DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : IV, May - 2014


Suneetha Kondeti , Narendra KumarIlluru

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Self Help Groups (SHGs) is a method of organizing the poor people and the marginized to come together to solve their individual problems. The SHG method is used by the Government, NGO's and others world wide. The Grameena Bank of Bangladesh is a people bank formed by the poor to provide easy loans for themselves. The poor collect their savings and save it in their own banks. In return they receive easy access to loans with a small rate of interest to start their micro unit enterprise. The thousands of the poor and the marginalized population in Bangladesh and building their lives, their families and their society through self help groups. In IX th five year plan of the Government of India had given due to recognition on the importance and the relevance of SHG method to implement developmental schemes at the grassroots level.

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Suneetha Kondeti , Narendra KumarIlluru(2014). ROLE OFSELF-HELP GROUPS IN INDIA- AN ANAL YSIS . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

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  219. Ajai Nair, Sustainability of Micro Finance SHGs in India, Would Federating Help? World Bank Policy Research Working
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  226. Ajai Nair, Sustainability of Micro Finance SHGs in India, Would Federating Help? World Bank Policy Research Working
  227. Jerinabi.U, Micro Credit Management by Women SHGs, Discovery Publishing House, 2006
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  254. Jerinabi.U, Micro Credit Management by Women SHGs, Discovery Publishing House, 2006
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  290. Manjunatha.S, The Role of Women SHGs in Rural Development in India, International Research Journal of Social Sciences,
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  300. www .microfinancegateway .org
  301. Ajai Nair, Sustainability of Micro Finance SHGs in India, Would Federating Help? World Bank Policy Research Working
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  303. S.Azim, Women Empowerment through SHGs, Southern Economist, 2013
  304. NABARD, Status of Micro Finance in during 2011-12, Mumbai.
  305. Paper-3516, February 2005
  306. Manjunatha.S, The Role of Women SHGs in Rural Development in India, International Research Journal of Social Sciences,
  307. S.Azim, Women Empowerment through SHGs, Southern Economist, 2013
  308. S.Azim, Women Empowerment through SHGs, Southern Economist, 2013
  309. Manjunatha.S, The Role of Women SHGs in Rural Development in India, International Research Journal of Social Sciences,
  310. www .microfinancegateway .org
  311. NABARD, Status of Micro Finance in during 2011-12, Mumbai.
  312. www .microfinancegateway .org
  313. 2013.
  314. www
  315. Ajai Nair, Sustainability of Micro Finance SHGs in India, Would Federating Help? World Bank Policy Research Working
  316. NABARD, Status of Micro Finance in during 2011-12, Mumbai.
  317. www

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