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Volume : IV, Issue : IV, May - 2014


Ritu Mahajan, -

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The present study was conducted to study the value preferences among secondary school teachers with respect to demographic variables. T eacher value inventory by Dr. Harbhajan L. Singh and Dr. S.P Ahluwalia was used for value preferences among secondary school teachers. The present study was conducted on 160 secondary school teachers of Ludhiana district. The t-test was employed to find out the significance of difference between the means. The study revealed a significant difference between theoretical, economical, aesthetic, political and religious value preferences of male and female secondary school teachers while no significant difference between their social value preferences. A significant difference was found between economical, social and political value preferences of government and private secondary school teachers while no significant difference was found between their theoretical, aesthetic and religious value preferences. Asignificant difference was found between theoretical and religious value preferences of government and private male secondary school teachers while no significant difference was found between their economic, aesthetic, social and political value preferences. There was a significant difference found between theoretical, aesthetic, social and political value preferences of government and private female secondary school teachers while no significant difference was found between their economic, and religious value preferences.

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References :

  1. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  2. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  3. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  4. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  5. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  6. Kurushetra.
  7. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  8. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  9. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  10. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  11. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  12. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  13. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  14. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  15. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  16. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  17. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  18. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  19. 84-89
  20. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  21. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  22. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  23. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  24. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  25. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  26. 84-89
  27. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  28. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  29. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  30. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  31. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  32. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  33. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  34. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  35. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  36. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  37. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  38. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  39. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  40. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  41. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  42. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  43. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  44. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  45. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  46. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  47. 84-89
  48. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  49. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  50. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  51. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  52. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  53. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  54. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  55. 84-89
  56. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  57. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  58. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  59. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  60. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  61. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  62. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  63. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  64. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  65. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  66. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  67. 84-89
  68. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  69. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  70. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  71. Kurushetra.
  72. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  73. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  74. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  75. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  76. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  77. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  78. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  79. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  80. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  81. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  82. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  83. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  84. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  85. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  86. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  87. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  88. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  89. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  90. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  91. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  92. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  93. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  94. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  95. 84-89
  96. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  97. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  98. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  99. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  100. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  101. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  102. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  103. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  104. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  105. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  106. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  107. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  108. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  109. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  110. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  111. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  112. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  113. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  114. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  115. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  116. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  117. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  118. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  119. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  120. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  121. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  122. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  123. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  124. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  125. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  126. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  127. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  128. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  129. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  130. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  131. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  132. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  133. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  134. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  135. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  136. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  137. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  138. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  139. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  140. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  141. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  142. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  143. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  144. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  145. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  146. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  147. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  148. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  149. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  150. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  151. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  152. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  153. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  154. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  155. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  156. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  157. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  158. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  159. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  160. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  161. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  162. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  163. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  164. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  165. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  166. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  167. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  168. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  169. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  170. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  171. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  172. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  173. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  174. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  175. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  176. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  177. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  178. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  179. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  180. Kurushetra.
  181. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  182. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  183. Kurushetra.
  184. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  185. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  186. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  187. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  188. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  189. Kurushetra.
  190. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  191. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  192. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  193. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  194. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  195. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  196. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  197. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  198. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  199. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  200. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  201. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  202. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  203. 84-89
  204. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  205. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  206. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  207. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  208. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  209. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  210. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  211. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  212. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  213. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  214. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  215. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  216. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  217. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  218. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  219. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  220. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  221. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  222. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  223. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  224. Kurushetra.
  225. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  226. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  227. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  228. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  229. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  230. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  231. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  232. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  233. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  234. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  235. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  236. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  237. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  238. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  239. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  240. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  241. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  242. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  243. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  244. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  245. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  246. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  247. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  248. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  249. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  250. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  251. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  252. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  253. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  254. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  255. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  256. Kurushetra.
  257. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  258. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  259. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  260. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  261. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  262. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  263. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  264. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  265. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  266. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  267. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  268. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  269. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  270. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  271. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  272. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  273. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  274. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  275. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  276. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  277. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  278. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  279. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  280. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  281. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  282. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  283. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  284. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  285. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  286. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  287. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  288. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  289. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  290. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  291. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  292. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  293. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  294. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  295. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  296. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  297. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  298. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  299. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  300. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  301. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  302. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  303. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  304. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  305. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  306. 84-89
  307. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  308. Kurushetra.
  309. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  310. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  311. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  312. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  313. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  314. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  315. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  316. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  317. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  318. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  319. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  320. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  321. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  322. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  323. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  324. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  325. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  326. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  327. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  328. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  329. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  330. 84-89
  331. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  332. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  333. Kurushetra.
  334. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  335. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  336. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  337. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  338. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  339. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  340. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  341. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  342. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  343. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  344. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  345. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  346. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  347. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  348. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  349. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  350. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  351. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  352. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  353. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  354. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  355. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  356. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  357. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  358. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  359. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  360. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  361. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  362. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  363. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  364. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  365. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  366. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  367. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  368. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  369. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  370. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  371. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  372. 84-89
  373. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  374. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  375. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  376. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  377. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  378. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  379. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  380. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  381. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  382. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  383. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  384. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  385. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  386. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  387. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  388. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  389. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  390. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  391. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  392. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  393. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  394. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  395. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  396. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  397. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  398. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  399. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  400. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  401. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  402. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  403. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  404. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  405. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  406. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  407. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  408. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  409. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  410. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  411. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  412. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  413. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  414. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  415. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  416. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  417. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  418. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  419. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  420. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  421. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  422. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  423. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  424. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  425. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  426. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  427. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  428. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  429. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  430. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  431. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  432. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  433. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  434. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  435. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  436. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  437. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  438. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  439. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  440. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  441. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  442. 84-89
  443. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  444. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  445. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  446. Kurushetra.
  447. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  448. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  449. Kurushetra.
  450. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  451. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  452. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  453. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  454. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  455. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  456. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  457. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  458. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  459. Kurushetra.
  460. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  461. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  462. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  463. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  464. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  465. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  466. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  467. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  468. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  469. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  470. Kurushetra.
  471. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  472. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  473. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  474. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  475. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  476. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  477. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  478. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  479. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  480. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  481. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  482. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  483. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  484. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  485. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  486. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  487. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  488. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  489. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  490. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  491. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  492. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  493. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  494. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  495. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  496. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  497. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  498. 84-89
  499. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  500. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  501. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  502. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  503. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  504. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  505. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  506. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  507. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  508. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  509. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  510. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  511. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  512. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  513. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  514. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  515. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  516. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  517. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  518. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  519. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  520. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  521. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  522. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  523. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  524. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  525. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  526. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  527. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  528. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  529. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  530. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  531. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  532. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  533. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  534. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  535. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  536. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  537. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  538. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  539. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  540. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  541. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  542. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  543. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  544. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  545. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  546. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  547. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  548. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  549. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  550. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  551. 84-89
  552. Kurushetra.
  553. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  554. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  555. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  556. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  557. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  558. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  559. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  560. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  561. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  562. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  563. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  564. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  565. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  566. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  567. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  568. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  569. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  570. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  571. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  572. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  573. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  574. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  575. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  576. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  577. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  578. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  579. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  580. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  581. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  582. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  583. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  584. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  585. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  586. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  587. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  588. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  589. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  590. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  591. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  592. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  593. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  594. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  595. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  596. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  597. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  598. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  599. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  600. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  601. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  602. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  603. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  604. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  605. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  606. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  607. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  608. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  609. Kurushetra.
  610. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  611. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  612. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  613. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  614. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  615. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  616. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  617. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  618. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  619. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  620. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  621. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  622. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  623. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  624. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  625. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  626. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  627. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  628. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  629. Kurushetra.
  630. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  631. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  632. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  633. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  634. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  635. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  636. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  637. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  638. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  639. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  640. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  641. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  642. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  643. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  644. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  645. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  646. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  647. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  648. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  649. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  650. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  651. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  652. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  653. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  654. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  655. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  656. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  657. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  658. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  659. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  660. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  661. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  662. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  663. 84-89
  664. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  665. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  666. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  667. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  668. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  669. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  670. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  671. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  672. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  673. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  674. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  675. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  676. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  677. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  678. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  679. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  680. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  681. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  682. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  683. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  684. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  685. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  686. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  687. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  688. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  689. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  690. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  691. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  692. 84-89
  693. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  694. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  695. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  696. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  697. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  698. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  699. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  700. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  701. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  702. Kurushetra.
  703. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  704. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  705. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  706. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  707. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  708. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  709. Kurushetra.
  710. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  711. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  712. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  713. Kurushetra.
  714. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  715. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  716. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  717. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  718. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  719. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  720. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  721. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  722. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  723. 84-89
  724. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  725. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  726. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  727. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  728. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  729. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  730. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  731. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  732. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  733. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  734. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  735. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  736. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  737. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  738. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  739. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  740. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  741. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  742. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  743. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  744. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  745. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  746. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  747. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  748. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  749. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  750. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  751. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  752. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  753. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  754. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  755. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  756. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  757. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  758. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  759. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  760. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  761. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  762. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  763. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  764. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  765. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  766. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  767. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  768. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  769. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  770. 84-89
  771. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  772. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  773. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  774. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  775. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  776. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  777. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  778. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  779. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  780. 84-89
  781. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  782. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  783. Kurushetra.
  784. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  785. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  786. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  787. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  788. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  789. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  790. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  791. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  792. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  793. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  794. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  795. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  796. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  797. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  798. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  799. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  800. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  801. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  802. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  803. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  804. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  805. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  806. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  807. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  808. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  809. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  810. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  811. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  812. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  813. Kurushetra.
  814. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  815. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  816. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  817. marital status and teaching experience). The Educational Review, V ol. 45, No.1
  818. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  819. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  820. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  821. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  822. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  823. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  824. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  825. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  826. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  827. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  828. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  829. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  830. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  831. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  832. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  833. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  834. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  835. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  836. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  837. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  838. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  839. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  840. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  841. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  842. Aggarwal, M.(1994). Job satisfaction of teaches in relation to some demographic variables and values. Fifth Survey of
  843. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  844. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  845. Kurushetra.
  846. Mamthas, N.S(2006). A comparative study of values in science and undergraduates at different level of socio-economic
  847. Mishra , S.(2009). Perception of values by effective and ineffective teachers in relation to sex, age and place of habitation,
  848. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  849. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  850. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  851. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  852. Bajwa, S. Puri. A .(2007). Mental health of teacher in relation to intelligence and values. Journal of Edu trends vol No. II p.p.
  853. Third Survey of Research in Education, p.371, NCERT , New Delhi
  854. Gulati, Sarita. (1989). A comparative study of value dimensions of teachers working in private government and central
  855. download/Research_Abstracts.pdf
  856. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  857. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  858. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  859. Kumar, S. (2008). Study of values of pupil teachers in relation to gender and type of family . Unpublished M.Ed.
  860. 84-89
  861. Shailaja, H.M. and Saboji, V .D (2002). A survey of values among the teacher educators (with special reference to sex,
  862. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  863. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  864. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  865. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  866. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  867. Dissertation, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  868. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  869. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  870. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  871. Nautiyal, A.K. (1992). The efficiency of teachers performance as related to their values, effectiveness, morale and students
  872. 84-89
  873. 84-89
  874. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  875. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  876. Rescher, N.T. (1969). Introduction to value theory . Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Liffs, New Jersey .
  877. Gupta, S.K. (2000). Creative and non-creative secondary school pupil teacher of madhya pradesh in relation to values adjustment and attitude. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Barakhullah University.
  878. Koul, L. (1973). Factorial study of the differentiating values of popular teacher Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Kurukshetra University,
  879. M. E d . d i s s e r t a t i o n , Ut k a l Un i v e r s i t y Bh u b a n e s wa r r e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / / www.e d u c a t i o n i n i n d i a . n e t /
  880. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.
  881. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  882. Brar, J.S. and Singh G. (2004). A study of values of teacher trainees. The progress of Education, V ol 47, No. 6, pp. 113-115
  883. Bhardwaj, T .R(2001).Education of Human V alues. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
  884. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  885. Research in Education, P; 1434, NCERT , New Delhi.
  886. Goswani, N.S. (1983) A study of values orientation of post basic school in Gujrat.Ph.D.thesis(edu) S.P University,Gujrat.
  887. Gupta, M.M. (1997). Comparative evaluated of the educational grade of value and their impact on the teaching efficiency of
  888. status. Unpublished M.ed thesis M.D university , Rohkak
  889. Ahuja, M .(2007). Preferences of teacher on social values according to their experience and subject area. Journal of Edu
  890. Trend vol no. -I p.1-14
  891. perceived teacher characteristic. Fifth Survey of Research in Education, p. 1461, NCERT , New Delhi
  892. schools. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis n[ed] Punjabi, University, Patiala.
  893. teacher belonging to the reservation class. Ph.D. thesis (Edu.) Bundelkhand University ,Bihar .
  894. Kumari, P . (1981). Personality needs, Moral judgment and value pattern of secondary school/teachers-A critical analysis.

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