Volume : IV, Issue : IV, May - 2014 VOCA TIONALCHOICES OFSOCIALL Y DISADV ANT AGED ADOLESCENTS IN KANY AKUMARI DISTRICTS. Sreelatha, - By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Present study was conducted in Kanyakumari District in T amilnadu with 500 socially
disadvantaged adolescents(MBC, SC and ST) selected from 11 schools in to assess their vocational
preferences (Scientific, T echnology , Agriculture, Mass Media, Artistic, Commercial, Medical, Social
service, Law and order and Education) using career Preference Record constructed and validated by the
investigator . Data on vocational preferences revealed that Scientific and Education were the most
preferred careers of socially disadvantaged adolescents while Agriculture is the least preferred career .
Sex and locality influences the career choice of socially disadvantaged adolescents Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : S. Sreelatha, -(2014). VOCA TIONALCHOICES OFSOCIALL Y DISADV ANT AGED ADOLESCENTS IN KANY AKUMARI DISTRICT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. IV, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/4682.pdf References : - Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
- Chen, C.P . (1997). Carrier projection: Narrate in context. Journal of V ocational Education and Training, 49. 311-26
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