DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : IV, May - 2014


Muhamed Mariam.M, Zahida Jabeen

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The present investigation attempts to find out the relationship between health problems and health anxiety among adolescent girls in urban and rural areas. The present study was conducted on 200 adolescent girls of age group between 16-18 years, of which 100 belonged to urban area and 100 were from rural area. The tools used for the present investigation were Health Problem Inventory devised by the Investigator (2013) and Health Anxiety Inventory formulated by Lucock and Morley (1996) to find out the health problem and health anxiety among adolescent girls. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Standard't' test, Karl pearson co-efficient of correlation. The results from the present study revealed that locality has an effect on the health problem of adolescent girls. There is no significant difference in the health anxiety of adolescent girls belonging to urban and rural areas. There existed relationship between health problem and health anxiety among adolescent girls with regard to urban and rural areas.

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    Muhamed Mariam.M, Zahida Jabeen(2014). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH PROBLEM AND HEALTH ANXIETY AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS LIVING IN URBAN AND RURAL LOCALITY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    2. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    3. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    4. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    5. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    6. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    7. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
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    10. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    11. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    12. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    13. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    14. 26.
    15. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    16. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    17. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    18. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
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    22. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    23. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    24. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    25. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    26. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    27. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    28. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    29. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    30. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    31. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    32. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
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    34. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    35. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    36. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
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    39. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    40. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    41. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
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    47. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    48. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    49. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    50. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    51. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    52. 26.
    53. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    54. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    55. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    56. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    57. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    58. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    59. 18,382–383.
    60. 126-133.
    61. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    62. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    63. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    64. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    65. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    66. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    67. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    68. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    69. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    70. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    71. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    72. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    73. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    74. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    75. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    76. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    77. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    78. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    79. 18,382–383.
    80. 126-133.
    81. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    82. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    83. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    84. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    85. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    86. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    87. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    88. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    89. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    90. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    91. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    92. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    93. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    94. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    95. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    96. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    97. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    98. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    99. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    100. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    101. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    102. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    103. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    104. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    105. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    106. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    107. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    108. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    109. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    110. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    111. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    112. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    113. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    114. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    115. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    116. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    117. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    118. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    119. 26.
    120. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    121. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    122. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    123. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    124. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    125. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    126. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    127. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    128. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    129. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    130. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    131. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    132. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    133. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    134. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    135. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    136. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    137. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    138. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    139. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    140. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    141. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    142. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    143. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    144. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    145. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    146. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    147. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    148. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    149. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    150. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    151. 26.
    152. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    153. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    154. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    155. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    156. 26.
    157. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    158. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    159. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    160. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    161. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    162. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    163. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    164. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    165. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    166. 18,382–383.
    167. 126-133.
    168. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    169. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    170. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    171. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    172. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    173. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    174. 18,382–383.
    175. 126-133.
    176. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    177. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    178. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    179. 18,382–383.
    180. 126-133.
    181. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    182. 18,382–383.
    183. 126-133.
    184. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    185. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    186. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    187. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    188. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    189. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    190. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    191. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    192. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    193. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    194. 18,382–383.
    195. 126-133.
    196. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    197. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    198. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    199. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    200. 18,382–383.
    201. 126-133.
    202. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    203. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    204. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    205. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    206. 26.
    207. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    208. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    209. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    210. 18,382–383.
    211. 126-133.
    212. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    213. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    214. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    215. 18,382–383.
    216. 126-133.
    217. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    218. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    219. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    220. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    221. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    222. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    223. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    224. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    225. 18,382–383.
    226. 126-133.
    227. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    228. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    229. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    230. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    231. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    232. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    233. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    234. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    235. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    236. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    237. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    238. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    239. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    240. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    241. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    242. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    243. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    244. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    245. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    246. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    247. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    248. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    249. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    250. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    251. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    252. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    253. 18,382–383.
    254. 126-133.
    255. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    256. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    257. 18,382–383.
    258. 126-133.
    259. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    260. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    261. 18,382–383.
    262. 126-133.
    263. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    264. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    265. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    266. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    267. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    268. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    269. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    270. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    271. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    272. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    273. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    274. 18,382–383.
    275. 126-133.
    276. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    277. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    278. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    279. 26.
    280. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    281. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    282. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    283. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    284. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    285. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    286. 26.
    287. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    288. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    289. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    290. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    291. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    292. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    293. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    294. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    295. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    296. 26.
    297. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    298. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    299. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    300. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    301. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    302. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    303. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    304. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    305. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    306. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    307. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    308. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    309. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    310. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    311. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    312. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    313. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    314. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    315. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    316. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    317. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    318. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    319. 26.
    320. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    321. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    322. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    323. 18,382–383.
    324. 126-133.
    325. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    326. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    327. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    328. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    329. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    330. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    331. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    332. 18,382–383.
    333. 126-133.
    334. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    335. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    336. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    337. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    338. 26.
    339. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    340. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    341. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    342. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    343. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    344. 18,382–383.
    345. 126-133.
    346. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    347. 18,382–383.
    348. 126-133.
    349. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    350. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    351. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    352. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    353. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    354. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    355. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    356. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    357. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    358. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    359. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    360. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    361. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    362. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    363. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    364. 26.
    365. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    366. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    367. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    368. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    369. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    370. 18,382–383.
    371. 126-133.
    372. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    373. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    374. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    375. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    376. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    377. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    378. 26.
    379. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    380. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    381. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    382. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    383. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    384. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    385. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    386. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    387. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    388. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    389. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    390. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    391. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    392. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    393. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    394. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    395. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    396. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    397. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    398. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    399. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    400. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    401. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    402. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    403. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    404. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    405. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    406. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    407. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    408. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    409. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    410. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    411. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    412. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    413. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    414. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    415. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    416. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    417. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    418. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    419. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    420. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    421. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    422. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    423. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    424. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    425. 26.
    426. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    427. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    428. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    429. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    430. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    431. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    432. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    433. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    434. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    435. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    436. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    437. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    438. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    439. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    440. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    441. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    442. 26.
    443. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    444. 18,382–383.
    445. 126-133.
    446. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    447. 18,382–383.
    448. 126-133.
    449. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    450. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    451. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    452. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    453. 26.
    454. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    455. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    456. 18,382–383.
    457. 126-133.
    458. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    459. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    460. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    461. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    462. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    463. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    464. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    465. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    466. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    467. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    468. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    469. 26.
    470. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    471. 18,382–383.
    472. 126-133.
    473. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    474. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    475. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    476. 26.
    477. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    478. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    479. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    480. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    481. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    482. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    483. 26.
    484. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    485. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    486. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    487. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    488. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    489. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    490. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    491. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    492. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    493. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    494. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    495. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    496. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    497. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    498. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    499. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    500. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    501. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    502. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    503. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    504. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    505. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    506. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    507. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    508. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    509. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    510. 18,382–383.
    511. 126-133.
    512. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    513. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    514. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    515. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    516. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    517. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    518. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    519. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    520. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    521. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    522. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    523. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    524. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    525. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    526. 26.
    527. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    528. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    529. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    530. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    531. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    532. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    533. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    534. 26.
    535. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    536. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    537. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    538. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    539. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    540. 18,382–383.
    541. 126-133.
    542. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    543. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    544. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    545. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    546. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    547. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    548. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    549. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    550. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    551. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    552. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    553. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    554. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    555. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    556. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    557. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    558. 18,382–383.
    559. 126-133.
    560. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    561. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    562. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    563. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    564. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    565. 26.
    566. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    567. 18,382–383.
    568. 126-133.
    569. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    570. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    571. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    572. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    573. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    574. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    575. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    576. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    577. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    578. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    579. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    580. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    581. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    582. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    583. Meghachandra S.M; Reeta Devi & Gupta, S.S. (1999). Awareness and health seeking behaviour of rural adolescent school
    584. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    585. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    586. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    587. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    588. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    589. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    590. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    591. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    592. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    593. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    594. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    595. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    596. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    597. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    598. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    599. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    600. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    601. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    602. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    603. 26.
    604. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    605. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    606. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    607. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    608. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    609. Daniels, R.S. & Goran, S.M.I. (2006). From critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents. In
    610. Deliwala K.J; Shah H.H.& Shah B.S. (2013). Evaluation of menstrual problems among urban females of Ahmedabad.
    611. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    612. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    613. 26.
    614. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    615. 18,382–383.
    616. 126-133.
    617. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    618. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    619. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    620. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    621. 126-133.
    622. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    623. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(3), 260-267.
    624. Nutter, S. (2003). The health triangle. Anchor Points, Inc.
    625. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    626. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    627. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    628. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    629. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    630. 18,382–383.
    631. Morgan, A. (2002). A national call to action: CDC’s 2001 urban and rural health chartbook. Journal of Rural Health,
    632. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    633. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    634. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    635. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity, 67-75.
    636. 18,382–383.
    637. 126-133.
    638. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    639. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    640. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    641. growing problems in growing children. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 1(2), 103–114.
    642. Reeves, G.M; Postolache, T.T. & Snitker, S. (2008). Childhood obesity and depression: Connection between these
    643. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    644. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    645. Costello, E.J; Mustillo, S; Erkanli, A; Keeler, G. & Angold, A. (2003). Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders
    646. Rab, F; Mamdou, R. & Nasir. (2008). Rates of depression and anxiety among female medical students in pakistan, 14(1),
    647. 26.
    648. Williams, C. (2013). Anxiety UK’s Patron’s. British Medical Association.
    649. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    650. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    651. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    652. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    653. in childhood and adolescence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 837-844.
    654. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    655. 18,382–383.
    656. 126-133.
    657. adolescent eating behavior in community samples of young people. The International Journal of Eating Disorder, 37(2), 119-
    658. and body mass index. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (6), 554-56.
    659. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal
    660. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    661. Knutson, K. (2012). Lack of sleep is linked to obesity, New evidence shows, The American Journal of Human Biology.
    662. Aarons, G.A; Monn, A.R. & Leslie, L.K. (2008). Association between mental and physical health problems in high-risk
    663. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 4(1), 49-53.
    664. Pabst, S.R; Negriff, S. & Dorn, L.D. (2008). Depression and anxiety in adolescent females: The impact of sleep preference
    665. girls on menstrual and reproductive health problems, 53(10), 439-443.
    666. Steinhausen, H.C; Gavez, S. And Winkler, M.C. (2005). Psychosocial correlates, outcome, and stability of abnormal

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