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Volume : IV, Issue : IV, May - 2014


M. Panimalar Roja, M. Parimala Fathima and N. Sasikumar

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This study is an attempt to discuss the impact of neurons on problem solving ability. Cognitive neuroscience is an academic field concerned with the scientific study of biological mechanisms underlying cognition, with a specific focus on the neural substrates of mental processes and their behavioral manifestations. A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body is a number of ways, but there is one key difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body. The teaching of mathematics presents numerous problems for the teacher of mathematics. The methodology adopted by the teacher in the classroom needs frequent change as the student's aptitude and attitude vary year after year. Education is a continuous process on developing the personality of an individual. It aims at the overall development of teaching techniques to solve the problems. For effective learning of Mathematics subject, constant and continuous understanding is a must. The learner can attain the goal. Only after overlooking his distractions, deviations, disturbances, defects, and discriminating and determining the facts previously. Hence a necessity arises to know about the effective and innovative neurocognitive strategies in problem solving ability.

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    M. Panimalar Roja, M. Parimala Fathima and N. Sasikumar(2014). IMPACT OF NEURONS IN ENHANCING PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. IV,

    References :

    1. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    2. Foundation for Children.
    3. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    4. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    5. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    6. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    7. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    8. Foundation for Children.
    9. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    10. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    11. Foundation for Children.
    12. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    13. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    14. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    15. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    16. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    17. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    18. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    19. Foundation for Children.
    20. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    21. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    22. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    23. Foundation for Children.
    24. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    25. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    26. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    27. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    28. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    29. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    30. Foundation for Children.
    31. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    32. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    33. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    34. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    35. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    36. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    37. Foundation for Children.
    38. Foundation for Children.
    39. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    40. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    41. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    42. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    43. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    44. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    45. Foundation for Children.
    46. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    47. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    48. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    49. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    50. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    51. Foundation for Children.
    52. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    53. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    54. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    55. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    56. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    57. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    58. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    59. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    60. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    61. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    62. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    63. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    64. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    65. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    66. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    67. Foundation for Children.
    68. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    69. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    70. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    71. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    72. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    73. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    74. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    75. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    76. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    77. Foundation for Children.
    78. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    79. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    80. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    81. Foundation for Children.
    82. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    83. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    84. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    85. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    86. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    87. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    88. Foundation for Children.
    89. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    90. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    91. Foundation for Children.
    92. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    93. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    94. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    95. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    96. Foundation for Children.
    97. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    98. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    99. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    100. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    101. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    102. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    103. Foundation for Children.
    104. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    105. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    106. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    107. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    108. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    109. Foundation for Children.
    110. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    111. Foundation for Children.
    112. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    113. Foundation for Children.
    114. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    115. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    116. Foundation for Children.
    117. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    118. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    119. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    120. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    121. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    122. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    123. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    124. Foundation for Children.
    125. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    126. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    127. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    128. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    129. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    130. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    131. Foundation for Children.
    132. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    133. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    134. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    135. Foundation for Children.
    136. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    137. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    138. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    139. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    140. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    141. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    142. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    143. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    144. Foundation for Children.
    145. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    146. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    147. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    148. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    149. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    150. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    151. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    152. Foundation for Children.
    153. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    154. Foundation for Children.
    155. Foundation for Children.
    156. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    157. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    158. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    159. Foundation for Children.
    160. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    161. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    162. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    163. Foundation for Children.
    164. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    165. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    166. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    167. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    168. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    169. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    170. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    171. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    172. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    173. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    174. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    175. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    176. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    177. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    178. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    179. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    180. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    181. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    182. Foundation for Children.
    183. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    184. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    185. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    186. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    187. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    188. Foundation for Children.
    189. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    190. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    191. Foundation for Children.
    192. Foundation for Children.
    193. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    194. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    195. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    196. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    197. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    198. Foundation for Children.
    199. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    200. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    201. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    202. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    203. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    204. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    205. Foundation for Children.
    206. Foundation for Children.
    207. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    208. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    209. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    210. Foundation for Children.
    211. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    212. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    213. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    214. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    215. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    216. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    217. Foundation for Children.
    218. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    219. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    220. Foundation for Children.
    221. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    222. Foundation for Children.
    223. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    224. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    225. Foundation for Children.
    226. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    227. Foundation for Children.
    228. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    229. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    230. Foundation for Children.
    231. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    232. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    233. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    234. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    235. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    236. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    237. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    238. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    239. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres
    240. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    241. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    242. The Evolving Mind – Copyright Gordon and Breach© 1993
    243. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    244. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    245. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    246. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    247. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    248. Foundation for Children.
    249. Simon Killcross (2000), The amygdale emotion and learning, The Psychologist Vol 13 No 10
    250. educators. New York: Teachers College Press.
    251. Foundation for Children.
    252. Charney, R. S. (2000). Teaching children to care: Management in the responsive classroom.Greenfield, MA: Northeast
    253. Foundation for Children.
    254. Volume 7 pag.54-64
    255. Foundation for Children.
    256. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    257. Cohen, J. (Ed.). (1999). Educating minds and hearts: Social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence:A guide for
    258. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    259. Goleman, Daniel, (1995) Emotional Intelligence,Bantam Books, New York,
    260. Kevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza (2006), Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory, Nature Publishing Group,
    261. Foundation for Children.
    262. Bandler, R. (1985) Using your Brain for a Change Moab, Utah: Real People Pres

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