DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : III, April - 2014


Renu Gulia, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The main objective of present study is to present review of literature related to capital budgeting decisions and to study the trends in using the capital budgeting techniques in depth. The study would facilitate the reader to know the past, current and future trend of capital budgeting techniques by the corporate houses. This study would provide guidelines to decision makers to make investing and financing decisions so that their profit get maximise at minimize risks.The secondary purpose of this study is to understand the rationale behind capital budgeting decisions. Whether such kinds of decisions affect the efficiency of the corporate houses. Efficiency either in terms of increase in revenue or decrease in costs of the operations. The benefits from large investments are received in some future period and the future is uncertain. For instance, a decision to acquire an asset that is going to last for 15 years requires a15-year forecast. A failure to forecast correctly will lead to serious errors which can be corrected only at a considerable expense. Future revenue involves estimating the size of the market for a product and the expected share of the firm in that. These estimates depend on a variety of factors, including price, advertising and promotions, and sales effort and so on. T o what extend these estimates effect the quality of capital budgeting decisions is the more sophisticated way to explain the main objective of this study .

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Renu Gulia, None(2014). CAPIT ALBUDGETING DECISIONS-REVIEW OFLITERA TURE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  3. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  4. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  5. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
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  7. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  8. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  9. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  10. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  11. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  12. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
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  24. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  25. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
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  28. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  29. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  30. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  31. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  32. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  33. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  34. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  35. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  36. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  37. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  38. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  39. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  40. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  41. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  42. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  43. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  44. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  45. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  46. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  47. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  48. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  49. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  50. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  51. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  52. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  53. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  54. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
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  56. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  57. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  58. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  59. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  60. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  61. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
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  63. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  64. 78-90.
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  66. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  67. 78-90.
  68. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  69. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  70. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  71. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  72. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  73. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  74. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  75. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  76. 78-90.
  77. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  78. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  79. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  80. 78-90.
  81. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  82. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  83. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  84. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  85. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  86. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  87. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  88. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  89. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  90. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  91. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  92. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  93. 78-90.
  94. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  95. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  96. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  97. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  98. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  99. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  100. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  101. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  102. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  103. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  104. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  105. 78-90.
  106. 78-90.
  107. 78-90.
  108. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  109. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  110. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  111. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  112. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  113. 78-90.
  114. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  115. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  116. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  117. 78-90.
  118. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  119. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  120. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  121. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  122. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  123. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  124. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  125. 78-90.
  126. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  127. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  128. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  129. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  130. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  131. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  132. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  133. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  134. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  135. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  136. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  137. 78-90.
  138. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  139. 78-90.
  140. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  141. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  142. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  143. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  144. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  145. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  146. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  147. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  148. alternatives. T elematics & Informatics, V ol. 26, Issue 4, 353-374.
  149. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  150. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  151. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  152. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  153. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  154. 78-90.
  155. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  156. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  157. 78-90.
  158. Boquist, J.A., Milbourn, T .T ., Thakor, A.V . (1998). How Do Y ou Win the Capital Allocation Game? Sloan Management
  159. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  160. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  161. Burns, R.M., Walker, J. (2009). Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is now . Journal of Applied Finance, V ol. 19, Issue 1/2,
  162. Amit, R, Schoemaker, P .J.H. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, 33–46.
  163. Angelou, G.N., Economides, A.A. (2009). A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business
  164. Review, V ol. 39, Issue 2, 59-71.
  165. 78-90.

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