DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : III, April - 2014


Sonali Sharma , None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The present study was conducted to examine the awareness among parents belonging to economically weaker sections of society regarding Right to Education Act (2009) . The sample of study consisted of 360 parents drawn from three different regions-Doaba, Majha, Malwa of Punjab state. Selfprepared questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study revealed that there was no significant difference in mean scores of awareness regarding right to education among parents of different region. Moreover, parents residing in urban area and literate had significantly higher awareness than living in rural area and illiterate parents.

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    Sonali Sharma , None(2014). A W ARENESS AMONG P ARENTS BELONGING TO ECONOMICALL Y WEAKER SECTIONS OFSOCIETY REGARDING RIGHT TO EDUCA TION ACT(2009). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    76. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    77. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
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    93. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
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    100. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
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    108. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    109. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
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    124. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    125. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
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    128. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
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    140. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    141. ISSN:23204559.
    142. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
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    149. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    150. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    151. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
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    153. Sarojvyas.blogspot,in/2011/07/ research-Paper-on-right-to-Education html.
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    158. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    159. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    160. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    161. ISSN:23204559.
    162. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    163. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    164. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    165. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    166. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    167. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    168. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    169. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    170. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    172. www
    173. www
    174. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    175. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    176. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    177. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    178. ISSN:23204559.
    179. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    181. www
    182. www
    183. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
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    186. www
    187. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    189. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    190. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    191. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    192. www
    193. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    194. Sarojvyas.blogspot,in/2011/07/ research-Paper-on-right-to-Education html.
    195. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    196. www
    197. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    198. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    199. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    200. www
    201. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    203. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    204. www
    205. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    206. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    207. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    208. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    209. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    210. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    211. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    212. www
    213. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    214. www
    215. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    216. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    217. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    218. www
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    222. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
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    225. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    226. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    227. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    228. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    229. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    230. ISSN:23204559.
    231. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    232. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    234. www
    235. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    236. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    237. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    238. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    239. ISSN:23204559.
    240. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    241. www
    242. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    244. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    245. www
    246. www
    247. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    248. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    249. www
    250. Sarojvyas.blogspot,in/2011/07/ research-Paper-on-right-to-Education html.
    251. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    252. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    253. www
    254. www
    255. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    256. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    257. www
    258. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    259. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    260. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    261. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    262. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    263. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    264. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    266. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    267. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    269. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    270. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    271. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    272. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    273. Sarojvyas.blogspot,in/2011/07/ research-Paper-on-right-to-Education html.
    274. ISSN:23204559.
    275. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    276. www
    277. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    278. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    279. www
    280. www
    281. NGO(2014) Lack of A wareness About TRE Act Keeping Disadvantaged Kids Out of Private Schools retrieved from
    282. Gunjan.R and T alat.A (2013) A wareness of Right to Education Act Among Urban Slum Dwellers:A Case Study of JJ Colony
    283. J.S.W(2009), Meaning of Educational Psychology ,V ikas Publication,jalandhar.
    284. ISSN:23204559.
    285. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    286. www
    287. Sarojvyas.blogspot,in/2011/07/ research-Paper-on-right-to-Education html.
    288. www
    289. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    290. www
    291. ISSN:23204559.
    292. ISSN:23204559.
    293. www
    294. www
    295. Lokesh.k(2009) methodology of Education Research, Viskas Publication House, New Delhi.
    296. www
    297. The Gazette of India (2009). The Right to Education Act (2009) New Delhi.
    299. of Madanpur Khardar of New Delhi, Advanced International Research Journal of T eacher Education, vol.1, Issue 1,
    300. www
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