DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : III, April - 2014


Ashok Kumar Chauhan, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The paper is an attempt to study the genesis of the linguistic identity in Assam during the colonial period which was shaped by the migration and the colonial policies. This also made an attempt to study that how the 'Assamese language' became a prominent symbol of sub-national identity in Assam and how it was influenced by the migrants who adopted 'Assamese' as their mother tongue. The paper will further discuss, how the reorganisation of Province of Assam let to the genesis of stronger linguistic identity in Assam.

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Ashok Kumar Chauhan, None(2014). ASSAMESE IDENTITYIN COLONIAL ASSAM: A PERSPECTIVE OFIMMIGRA TION AND LANGUAGE . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  139. Line system committee Report 1938, Shillong.
  140. Times of India, News Archives
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  144. Chetna Newspaper
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  150. Assam Gazetteers
  151. Census of India from 1921 to 1951
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  153. Times of India, News Archives
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  155. Chetna Newspaper
  156. Line system committee Report 1938, Shillong.
  157. Chetna Newspaper
  158. Census of India from 1921 to 1951
  159. Census of India from 1921 to 1951
  160. Times of India, News Archives
  161. Assam Gazetteers
  162. Times of India, News Archives
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  165. Line system committee Report 1938, Shillong.
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  168. Assam Gazetteers
  169. Census of India from 1921 to 1951
  170. Assam Gazetteers
  171. Chetna Newspaper

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