DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : III, April - 2014


Rajlakshmi Sonowal, Kaberi Saha

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Adolescence is a crucial stage and more so for girls. The turbulent period of adolescence brings a lot awe-inspiring challanges in front of the adolescent girls, sometimes threatening their integrity . Feeling of security is very much essential for balanced development whereas feeling of insecurity may sometimes people towards personality disintegration. The study found significant difference between the adolescent girls belonging to General Cast and Scheduled Tribe regarding feeling of security and insecurity

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    Rajlakshmi Sonowal, Kaberi Saha(2014). ASTUDYON FEELINGS OFSECURITY/ INSECURITY OF ADOLESCENTGIRLS OFSONITPUR DISTRICT OF ASSAM. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    2. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    3. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    4. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    5. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    6. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    7. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    8. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    9. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    10. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    11. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    12. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    13. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    14. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    15. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    16. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    17. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    18. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    19. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    20. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    21. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    22. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    23. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    24. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    25. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    26. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    27. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    28. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    29. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    30. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    31. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    32. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    33. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    34. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    35. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    36. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    37. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    38. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    39. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    40. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    41. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    42. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    43. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    44. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    45. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    46. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    47. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    48. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    49. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    50. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    51. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    52. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    53. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    54. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    55. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    56. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    57. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    58. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    59. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    60. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    61. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    62. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    63. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    64. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    65. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    66. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    67. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    68. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    69. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    70. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    71. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    72. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    73. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    74. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    75. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    76. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    77. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    78. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    79. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    80. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    81. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    82. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    83. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    84. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    85. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    86. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    87. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    88. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    89. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    90. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    91. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    92. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    93. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    94. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    95. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    96. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    97. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    98. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    99. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    100. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    101. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    102. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    103. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    104. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    105. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    106. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    107. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    108. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    109. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    110. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    111. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    112. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    113. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    114. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    115. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    116. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    117. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    118. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    119. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    120. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    121. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    122. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    123. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    124. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    125. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    126. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    127. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    128. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    129. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    130. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    131. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    132. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    133. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    134. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    135. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    136. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    137. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    138. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    139. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    140. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    141. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    142. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    143. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    144. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    145. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    146. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    147. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    148. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    149. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    150. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    151. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    152. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    153. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    154. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    155. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    156. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    157. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    158. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    159. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    160. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    161. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    162. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    163. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    164. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    165. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    166. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    167. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    168. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    169. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    170. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    171. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    172. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    173. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    174. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    175. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    176. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    177. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    178. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    179. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    180. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    181. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    182. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    183. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    184. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    185. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    186. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    187. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    188. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    189. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    190. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    191. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    192. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    193. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    194. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    195. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    196. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    197. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    198. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    199. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    200. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    201. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    202. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    203. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    204. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    205. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    206. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    207. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    208. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    209. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    210. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    211. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    212. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    213. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    214. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    215. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    216. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    217. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    218. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    219. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    220. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    221. Trivedi R Trivedi K., Studies on Security/Insecurity feelings of Children between 10 to 13 years (General Children and Child
    222. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    223. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    224. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    225. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    226. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    227. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    228. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    229. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    230. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    231. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    232. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    233. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    234. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    235. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    236. Koul L., Research Methodology. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
    237. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    238. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    239. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    240. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    241. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    242. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    243. Health Psychology , V ol. 29, No. 4.
    244. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    245. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    246. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    247. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    248. McWilliams L. A. (2010) “Associations Between Adult Attachment Ratings and Health Conditions: Evidence From the
    249. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    250. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    251. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    252. Maslow, A. H. (1942), "The Dynamics of Psychological Security-Insecurity". Journal of Personality 10 (4): 331–344.
    253. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    254. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    255. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    256. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    257. students. Asian Sci., 6(1 & 2):9-11.
    258. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
    259. National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Lachlan A. McWilliams, PhD, and S. Jeffrey Bailey, PhD; Acadia University;
    260. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    261. Garrett H. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. V akils, Feffer & Simons Ltd. Bombay (1981)
    262. Labour) Research Journal of Educational Sciences V ol.1 (1), 15-16, April (2013)
    263. Singh, M, Sharma, P and Shukla, A., (201 1). A comparative study of spirit of security insecurity of higher secondary school
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