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Volume : IV, Issue : II, March - 2014


Krishna Kumar, Balram Singh Gurjar

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Most developing countries like India across the world have recognized the importance of facilitating international trade for the sustained growth of the economy and increased contribution to the GDP of the nation. As a part of its continuing commitment to liberalization and to trigger larger flow of foreign and domestic investment for the generation of additional economic activity and creation of employment opportunities, government of India started promoting export oriented industrial parks. Land use and Land cover change is one of the main driving forces of global environmental changes and central to the sustainable development debate. Understanding landscape patterns, changes and interactions between human activities and natural phenomenon are essential for proper land management and decision improvement. Land use gives an over view of how different patches of lands are being utilized under various anthropogenic activities. Nimrana, in recent years has been witnessing significant land use changes. While there is a progressive decline in area under Aravali Hills and fallow land, built up areas are increasing. These all changes have come mainly as results of industrialization. The study is based on Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 imageries, owing to their good spectral and temporal resolution and moderate spatial resolution.

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Krishna Kumar, Balram Singh Gurjar(2014). IMPACTS OF JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL PARK ON LAND USE AND LAND COVER CHANGE IN NIMRANA, ALWAR. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. II,

References :

  1. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  2. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  3. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  4. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  5. India Pvt. Ltd.
  6. Washington, D.C.
  7. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  8. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  9. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  10. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  11. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  12. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  13. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  14. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  15. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  16. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  17. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  18. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  19. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  20. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  21. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  22. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  23. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  24. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  25. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  26. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  27. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  28. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  29. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  30. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  31. India Pvt. Ltd.
  32. Washington, D.C.
  33. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  34. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  35. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  36. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  37. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  38. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  39. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  40. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  41. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  42. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  43. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  44. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  45. India Pvt. Ltd.
  46. Washington, D.C.
  47. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  48. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  49. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  50. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  51. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  52. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  53. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  54. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  55. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  56. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  57. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  58. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  59. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  60. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  61. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  62. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  63. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  64. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  65. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  66. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  67. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  68. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  69. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  70. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  71. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  72. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  73. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  74. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  75. India Pvt. Ltd.
  76. Washington, D.C.
  77. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  78. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  79. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  80. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  81. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  82. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  83. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  84. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  85. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  86. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  87. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  88. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  89. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  90. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  91. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  92. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  93. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  94. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  95. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  96. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  97. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  98. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  99. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  100. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  101. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  102. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  103. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  104. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  105. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  106. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  107. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  108. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  109. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  110. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  111. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  112. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  113. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  114. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  115. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  116. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  117. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  118. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  119. India Pvt. Ltd.
  120. Washington, D.C.
  121. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  122. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  123. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  124. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  125. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  126. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  127. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  128. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  129. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  130. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  131. India Pvt. Ltd.
  132. Washington, D.C.
  133. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  134. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  135. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  136. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  137. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  138. India Pvt. Ltd.
  139. Washington, D.C.
  140. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  141. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  142. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  143. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  144. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  145. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  146. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  147. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  148. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  149. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  150. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  151. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  152. India Pvt. Ltd.
  153. Washington, D.C.
  154. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  155. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  156. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  157. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  158. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  159. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  160. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  161. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  162. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  163. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  164. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  165. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  166. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  167. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  168. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  169. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  170. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  171. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  172. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  173. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  174. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  175. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  176. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  177. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  178. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  179. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  180. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  181. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  182. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  183. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  184. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  185. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  186. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  187. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  188. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  189. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  190. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  191. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  192. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  193. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  194. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  195. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  196. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  197. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  198. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  199. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  200. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  201. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  202. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  203. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  204. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  205. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  206. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  207. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  208. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  209. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  210. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  211. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  212. India Pvt. Ltd.
  213. Washington, D.C.
  214. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  215. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  216. India Pvt. Ltd.
  217. Washington, D.C.
  218. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  219. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  220. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  221. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  222. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  223. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  224. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  225. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  226. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  227. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  228. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  229. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  230. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  231. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  232. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  233. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  234. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  235. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  236. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  237. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  238. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  239. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  240. India Pvt. Ltd.
  241. Washington, D.C.
  242. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  243. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  244. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  245. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  246. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  247. India Pvt. Ltd.
  248. Washington, D.C.
  249. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  250. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  251. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  252. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  253. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  254. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  255. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  256. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  257. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  258. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  259. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  260. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  261. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  262. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  263. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  264. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  265. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  266. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  267. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  268. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  269. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  270. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  271. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  272. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  273. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  274. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  275. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  276. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  277. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  278. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  279. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  280. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  281. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  282. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  283. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  284. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  285. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  286. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  287. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  288. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  289. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  290. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  291. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  292. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  293. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  294. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  295. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  296. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  297. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  298. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  299. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  300. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  301. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  302. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  303. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  304. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  305. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  306. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  307. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  308. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  309. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  310. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  311. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  312. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  313. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  314. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  315. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  316. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  317. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  318. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  319. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  320. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  321. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  322. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  323. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  324. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  325. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  326. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  327. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  328. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  329. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  330. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  331. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  332. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  333. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  334. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  335. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  336. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  337. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  338. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  339. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  340. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  341. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  342. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  343. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  344. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  345. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  346. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  347. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  348. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  349. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  350. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  351. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  352. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  353. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  354. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  355. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  356. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  357. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  358. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  359. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  360. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  361. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  362. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  363. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  364. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  365. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  366. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  367. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  368. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  369. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  370. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  371. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  372. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  373. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  374. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  375. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  376. India Pvt. Ltd.
  377. Washington, D.C.
  378. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  379. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  380. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  381. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  382. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  383. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  384. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  385. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  386. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  387. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  388. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  389. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  390. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  391. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  392. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  393. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  394. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  395. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  396. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  397. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  398. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  399. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  400. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  401. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  402. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  403. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  404. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  405. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  406. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  407. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  408. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  409. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  410. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  411. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  412. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  413. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  414. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  415. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  416. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  417. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  418. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  419. India Pvt. Ltd.
  420. Washington, D.C.
  421. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  422. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  423. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  424. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  425. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  426. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  427. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  428. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  429. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  430. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  431. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  432. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  433. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  434. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  435. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  436. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  437. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  438. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  439. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  440. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  441. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  442. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  443. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  444. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  445. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  446. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  447. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  448. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  449. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  450. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  451. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  452. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  453. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  454. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  455. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  456. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  457. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  458. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  459. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  460. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  461. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  462. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  463. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  464. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  465. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  466. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  467. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  468. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  469. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  470. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  471. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  472. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  473. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  474. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  475. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  476. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  477. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  478. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  479. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  480. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  481. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  482. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  483. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  484. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  485. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  486. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  487. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  488. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  489. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  490. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  491. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  492. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  493. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  494. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  495. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  496. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  497. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  498. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  499. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  500. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  501. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  502. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  503. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  504. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  505. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  506. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  507. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  508. India Pvt. Ltd.
  509. Washington, D.C.
  510. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  511. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  512. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  513. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  514. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  515. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  516. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  517. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  518. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  519. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  520. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  521. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  522. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  523. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  524. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  525. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  526. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  527. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  528. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  529. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  530. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  531. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  532. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  533. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  534. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  535. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  536. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  537. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  538. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  539. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  540. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  541. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  542. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  543. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  544. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  545. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  546. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  547. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  548. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  549. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  550. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  551. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  552. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  553. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  554. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  555. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  556. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  557. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  558. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  559. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  560. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  561. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  562. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  563. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  564. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  565. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  566. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  567. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  568. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  569. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  570. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  571. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  572. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  573. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  574. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  575. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  576. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  577. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  578. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  579. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  580. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  581. India Pvt. Ltd.
  582. Washington, D.C.
  583. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  584. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  585. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  586. India Pvt. Ltd.
  587. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  588. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  589. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  590. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  591. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  592. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  593. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  594. Washington, D.C.
  595. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  596. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  597. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  598. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  599. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  600. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  601. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  602. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  603. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  604. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  605. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  606. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  607. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  608. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  609. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  610. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  611. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  612. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  613. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  614. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  615. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  616. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  617. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  618. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  619. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  620. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  621. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  622. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  623. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  624. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  625. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  626. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  627. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  628. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  629. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  630. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  631. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  632. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  633. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  634. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  635. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  636. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  637. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  638. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  639. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  640. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  641. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  642. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  643. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  644. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  645. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  646. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  647. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  648. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  649. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  650. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  651. India Pvt. Ltd.
  652. Washington, D.C.
  653. analysis. Empec. 11, pp. 1-21.
  654. Turner, B. Skole, D. Sanderson, S. Fisher, G. Fresco, L. and Leemans, R. (1996). Land Use and Land Cover change
  655. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  656. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  657. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  658. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  659. taluk, Tamil nadu, International journal of geomatics and geosciences, 1(2).
  660. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  661. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  662. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  663. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  664. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  665. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  666. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  667. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  668. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  669. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  670. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  671. Hale, C.W. and Walters, J. 1974. Appalachian regional development and the distribution of highway benefits. Growth and
  672. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  673. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  674. Lillesand, T.M. Kiefer, R.W. and Chipman, J.W. (2007). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. (5th ed.) New Delhi: Wiley
  675. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  676. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  677. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  678. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  679. Science/Research Plan, International. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme (IHDP)
  680. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  681. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  682. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  683. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  684. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  685. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  686. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  687. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  688. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  689. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  690. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  691. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  692. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  693. matching methods. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 24, pp. 723-751.
  694. Transportation Research Board. 2000. Remote sensing for transportation: report of a conference. December 4-5, 2000.
  695. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  696. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  697. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  698. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  699. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  700. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  701. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  702. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  703. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  704. Commission. Journal of the American Planning Association. 61 (3), pp. 345-365.
  705. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  706. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  707. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  708. Survey, 5, 143-153.
  709. Change. 1, pp. 3-11.
  710. Prakasam.C (2010). Land use and land cover change detection through remote sensing approach: A case study of Kodaikanal
  711. and Land Use Map: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(5), 931 – 944.
  712. Straszheim, M.R. 1972. Researching the role of transportation in regional development. Land Economics. 48 (3), pp. 212-219
  713. Rephann, T. and Isserman, A. New highways as economic development tools: an evaluation using quasi-experimental
  714. ReportNo.07.Availablefromhttp://www.ihdp.un
  715. Nijkamp, P. 1986. Infrastructure and regional development: a multidimensional policy
  716. Brown, D.M. 1999. Highway investment and rural economic development. Economic Research Service/United States
  717. Department of Agriculture. pp. 1-17.
  718. India Pvt. Ltd.
  719. Washington, D.C.
  720. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological
  721. Dimyati, M., Mizuno, K., Kitamura, T (1994). An Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change using the combination of MSS Landsat
  722. Gessaman, P.H. and Sisler, D.G. 1976. Highways, changing land use and impacts on rural life. Growth and Change. 4, pp. 3-8.
  723. Isserman, A. and Rephann, T. 1995. The economic effects of the Appalachian Regional
  724. Anderson, J. R. (1977). Land use and land cover changes: A framework for monitoring, Journal of Research by the Geological

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