Volume : IV, Issue : I, February - 2014 BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE EGYPTIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS: PART 3 ANTI-OXIDANT, CYTOTOXICITY, ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITIES AND CONSTITUENTS OF BETA VULGARIS SUBSP. PERENNISAbdel-Monem Ateya, Fawkeya Abbas and Rasha Hamza By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Several columns chromatography of the ethyl acetate fraction of Beta vulgaris subsp.
perennis (family Chenopodiacaea) resulted in isolation of quercetin, 4'-hydroxy-5methoxy-6,7-
methylenedioxy flavanone, quercetrin and rutin. In addition to the phenolic acids: syrinigic, ferulic and
the monoterpene dehydro-vomifoliol. The structure of these compounds was confirmed by spectral
methods as well as comparison with reported data. The antioxidant activity indicated moderate activity
SC 8.5μg/ml, compared with that of vitamin C (SC 1.24μg/ml). The total ethanolic extract of Beta 50 50
vulgaris subsp. perennis exhibited a mild cytotoxic activity (IC 60.26ìg/ml compared with 50
Doxorubicin IC 21.4μg/ml) against Hep-G2 cells. The ethyl acetate extract (400mg/kg) has nearly the 50
same potency as glibenclamide (5mg/kg), but the aqueous extract (400mg/kg) has higher potency than
glibenclamide. The aqueous extract significantly decreased rat hind paw edema thickness compared to
control group. Ethanolic extract has no anti-inflammatory effect. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Abdel-Monem Ateya, Fawkeya Abbas and Rasha Hamza(2014). BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE EGYPTIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS: PART 3 ANTI-OXIDANT, CYTOTOXICITY, ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITIES AND CONSTITUENTS OF BETA VULGARIS SUBSP. PERENNIS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. I, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/4260.pdf References : - flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Boulos, L. 1999. Flora of Egypt. Vol. 1. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 92-129
- Sci. Tech., 2: 72-74
- Chiji, H.; Arakawa, Y.; Usda, S.; Kuroda, M. and Izawa, M. 1986. 5,2- Dihydroxy-6,7-methylenedioxy isoflavone from seed
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- flexuosa L.) Oil. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 33: 127-132.
- Albuquerque, M.L.S.; Guedesand, I.; Alcantara, P. and Moreira, S.G.C. 2003. Infra red absorption spectra of Byriti (Mauritia
- Bose, S.; Maji, S. and Chakraborty, P. 2013. Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea leaves and its antioxidant activity. J. Pharma.
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- II, Holden- Day. INC., London.
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- balls of sugar- beet. Phytochemistry, 25: 281-282
- Budzikiewicz H.; Djerassi C. and Williams, D.H. 1964. Structure elucidation of natural products by mass spectroscopy. Vol.
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