DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : I, February - 2014


Ghadge Shrikant Tukaram, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Self help group (SHG) is an informal social movement, which is otherwise called as thrift and credit groups and is the self managed group of poor people. This movement stems from people's desire to meet their needs and determines their own destinies through the principle of “by the people, for the people and of the people. The term self help refers to the provision of aid to self, emphasis on selfdetermination, self-sufficient, self-reliance, self-assertion, self-respect, self-governance, selfemployment and self-empowerment by mobilizing internal sources of the members of the group. SHG is a small economically homogenous group of poor women drawn from BPL (Below Poverty Line) families.The present study has covered Apsinge village of koregaon taluka, Satara District. This village has selected for the study because the Self Help Groups in this village functioning very successful manner. This study is compiled with the help of primary data and secondary data.

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    Ghadge Shrikant Tukaram, -(2014). A CONTRIBUTION OF “SELF HELP GROUPS” TO WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT IN APSHINGE VILLAGE OF KOREGAON TAHSHIL SATARA DISTRICT [MAHARASHTRA]. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. I, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    2. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    3. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    4. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    5. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
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    11. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    12. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    13. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    14. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
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    38. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    39. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
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    41. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    42. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    43. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    44. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    45. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    46. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
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    48. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
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    55. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    56. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    57. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    58. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    59. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
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    62. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    63. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    64. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    65. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    66. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    67. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    68. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
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    70. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
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    72. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    73. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
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    77. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
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    84. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    85. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
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    88. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    89. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    90. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    91. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    92. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    93. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    94. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    95. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    96. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    97. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    98. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    99. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
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    103. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    104. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    105. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    106. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    107. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    108. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    109. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    110. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    111. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    112. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    113. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    114. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    115. 2004.
    116. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    117. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    118. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    119. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    120. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    121. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    122. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    123. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    124. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    125. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    126. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    127. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    128. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    129. 2004.
    130. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    131. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    132. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    133. 2004.
    134. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    135. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    136. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    137. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    138. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    139. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    140. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    141. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    142. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    143. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    144. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    145. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    146. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    147. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    148. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    149. 2004.
    150. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    151. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    152. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    153. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    154. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    155. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    156. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    157. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    158. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    159. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    160. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    161. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    162. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    163. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    164. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    165. 2004.
    166. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    167. 2004.
    168. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    169. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    170. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    171. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    172. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    173. November, 2009, PP.25-2
    174. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    175. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    176. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-
    177. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    178. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    179. Kala, G.S. “Economic Empowerment of women through Self Help Groups” Indian Journal of Marketing, New Delhi,
    180. Swarnalatha.E.V., “Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups”, Discovery Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
    181. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    182. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    183. Marilee Karl., “Women and Empowerment, Participatory and Decision Making”, Zed Books (P) Ltd., London, 1995
    184. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    185. 2004.
    186. Delhi.2002,p.1.
    187. N.Lalita and B.S.Nagarajan,Self-Help Groups and Rural Development,Dominant Publishers and Distributors,New
    188. C.R.Kothari- 'Research methodology-method and techniques', New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishing New Delhi ,Ed-

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