DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : III, Issue : XII, January - 2014


Swati Seth, Deepali Malhotra and Minny Narang

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Talent – a long used term in many Human resource departments of most companies, is a scarce resource, which needs to be managed effectively. McKinsey in their 1997 study coined the expression “War for talent”. Since then throughout literature different interpretations have been identified for talent management. There are various aspects and steps to follow talent management from planning, acquiring, developing, managing and retaining talent. With the growth of Information Technology (IT) industry in India in the past two decades, the number of employees joining this sector has increased manifold. Thus, there is a need to understand as to how the talent in this sector is effectively managed and what are the perceptions of the employees in the IT sector with the related dimensions of talent management, which can be broadly classified as employee engagement, retaining talent, training & development, rewards & recognition and succession planning.

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Swati Seth, Deepali Malhotra and Minny Narang(2014). TALENT MANAGEMENT – A STUDY ON INDIAN IT SECTOR. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  2. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  3. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  4. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  5. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  6. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  7. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  8. Science, Oxford .
  9. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  10. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  11. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  12. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  13. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  14. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  15. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  16. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  17. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  18. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  19. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  20. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  21. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  22. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  23. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  24. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  25. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  26. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  27. 139–154.
  28. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  29. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  30. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  31. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  32. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  33. Science, Oxford .
  34. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  35. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  36. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  37. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  38. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  39. 139–154.
  40. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  41. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  42. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  43. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  44. Science, Oxford .
  45. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  46. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  47. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  48. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  49. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  50. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  51. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  52. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  53. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  54. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  55. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  56. Science, Oxford .
  57. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  58. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  59. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  60. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  61. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  62. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  63. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  64. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  65. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  66. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  67. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  68. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  69. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  70. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  71. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  72. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  73. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  74. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  75. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  76. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  77. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  78. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  79. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  80. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  81. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  82. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  83. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  84. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  85. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  86. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  87. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  88. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  89. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  90. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  91. 139–154.
  92. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  93. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  94. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  95. Science, Oxford .
  96. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  97. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  98. 139–154.
  99. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  100. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  101. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  102. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  103. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  104. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  105. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  106. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  107. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  108. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  109. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  110. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  111. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  112. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  113. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  114. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  115. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  116. Science, Oxford .
  117. Science, Oxford .
  118. 139–154.
  119. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  120. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  121. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  122. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  123. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  124. 139–154.
  125. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  126. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  127. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  128. Science, Oxford .
  129. 139–154.
  130. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  131. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  132. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  133. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  134. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  135. Science, Oxford .
  136. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  137. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  138. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  139. 139–154.
  140. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  141. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  142. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  143. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  144. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  145. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  146. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  147. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  148. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  149. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  150. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  151. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  152. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  153. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  154. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  155. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  156. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  157. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  158. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  159. 139–154.
  160. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  161. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  162. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  163. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  164. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  165. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  166. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  167. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  168. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  169. Science, Oxford .
  170. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  171. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  172. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  173. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  174. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  175. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  176. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  177. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  178. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  179. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  180. 139–154.
  181. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  182. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  183. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  184. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  185. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  186. Science, Oxford .
  187. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  188. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  189. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  190. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  191. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  192. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  193. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  194. Science, Oxford .
  195. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  196. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  197. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  198. 139–154.
  199. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  200. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  201. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  202. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  203. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  204. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  205. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  206. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  207. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  208. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  209. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  210. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  211. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  212. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  213. Science, Oxford .
  214. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  215. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  216. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  217. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  218. 139–154.
  219. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  220. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  221. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  222. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  223. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  224. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  225. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  226. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  227. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  228. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  229. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  230. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  231. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  232. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  233. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  234. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  235. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  236. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  237. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  238. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  239. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  240. 139–154.
  241. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  242. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  243. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  244. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  245. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  246. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  247. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  248. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  249. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  250. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  251. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  252. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  253. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  254. 139–154.
  255. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  256. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  257. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  258. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  259. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  260. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  261. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  262. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  263. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  264. Science, Oxford .
  265. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  266. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  267. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  268. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  269. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  270. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  271. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  272. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  273. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  274. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  275. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  276. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  277. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  278. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  279. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  280. Science, Oxford .
  281. Science, Oxford .
  282. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  283. Science, Oxford .
  284. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  285. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  286. Science, Oxford .
  287. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  288. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  289. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  290. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  291. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  292. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  293. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  294. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  295. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  296. 139–154.
  297. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  298. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  299. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  300. 139–154.
  301. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  302. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  303. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  304. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  305. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  306. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  307. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  308. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  309. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  310. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  311. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  312. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  313. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  314. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  315. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  316. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  317. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  318. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  319. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  320. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  321. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  322. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  323. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  324. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  325. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  326. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  327. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  328. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  329. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  330. Science, Oxford .
  331. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  332. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  333. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  334. 139–154.
  335. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  336. 139–154.
  337. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  338. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  339. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  340. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  341. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  342. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  343. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  344. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  345. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  346. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  347. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  348. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  349. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  350. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  351. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  352. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  353. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  354. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  355. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  356. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  357. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  358. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  359. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  360. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  361. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  362. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  363. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  364. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  365. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  366. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  367. Science, Oxford .
  368. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  369. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  370. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  371. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  372. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  373. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  374. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  375. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  376. 139–154.
  377. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  378. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  379. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  380. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  381. Science, Oxford .
  382. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  383. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  384. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  385. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  386. 139–154.
  387. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  388. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  389. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  390. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  391. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  392. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  393. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  394. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  395. 139–154.
  396. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  397. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  398. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  399. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  400. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  401. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  402. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  403. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  404. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  405. 139–154.
  406. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  407. Science, Oxford .
  408. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  409. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  410. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  411. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  412. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  413. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  414. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  415. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  416. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  417. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  418. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  419. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  420. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  421. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  422. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  423. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  424. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  425. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  426. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  427. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  428. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  429. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  430. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  431. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  432. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  433. Stuart Bodden, Maurice Glucksman & Peter Lasky, “The War for Technical Talent”. The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3 (2000).
  434. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  435. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  436. Science, Oxford .
  437. 139–154.
  438. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  439. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  440. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  441. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  442. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  443. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  444. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  445. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  446. with Uncertainty, October 2012, 41.
  447. Science, Oxford .
  448. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  449. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  450. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  451. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  452. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  453. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  454. McMullen, T. (2010). Examining Reward in a Post-Recession Economy.
  455. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  456. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  457. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  458. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  459. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  460. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  461. 139–154.
  462. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  463. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  464. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  465. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  466. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  467. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  468. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  469. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  470. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  471. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."
  472. Science, Oxford .
  473. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  474. Bernthal, P.R., & Richard S. Wellins (2001). “Retaining Talent: A Benchmarking Study”. HR Benchmark Group, 2(3).
  475. Lewis, R.E. and Heckman, R.J. (2006). “Talent management: A critical review”, Human Resource Management Review, 16,
  476. Society for Human Resource Management, 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: How Employees are Dealing
  477. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  478. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  479. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  480. Collings, D.G. and Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic Talent Management: A review and research agenda”, Human Resource
  481. Chambers et al. (1998). “The War for Talent”, The McKinsey Quarterly, No 3, pp 44-57.
  482. Tansley, C. (2011). “What do we mean by the term “talent” in talent management?”. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(5), 266-274.
  483. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  484. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  485. Management Review, 19: 4, 304–31.
  486. Heller, K.A., Monks, F.J., Subotnik, R.F., Sternberg, R.J. (Eds),International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, Elsevier
  487. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  488. Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India ( )
  489. Gagné, F. (2000), "Understanding the complete choreography of talent development through DMGT-based analysis", in
  490. Sinha, Deepti, & Sachin Sinha (2008). "Research Paper Ontalent Retention In Academics: A Case Study On Management Institutes Of Lucknow Affiliated To Up Technical University."

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