DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : I, February - 2014


Shikha Rajput, Priyanka Singh

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Now-a-days the concept of mutual funds is very popular in India. Globally, mutual funds have become popular as an effective investment intermediary to mobilize savings into the financial markets. The Indian mutual fund industry has grown immensely in the past couple of decades and has emerged as one of the most dynamic segment in Indian financial system. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the performance of Growth, Income, Balanced and Tax saving funds in terms of risk and return and contrast with market Benchmark. The judgment has been made with benchmark portfolio during the period April 7, 2012 to March 30, 2013. Performance measures applied are, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen alpha and coefficient values.

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    Shikha Rajput, Priyanka Singh(2014). A STUDY OF MAJOR MUTUAL FUNDS IN INDIA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. I, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    2. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    3. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    4. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    5. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    6. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    7. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    8. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    9. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    10. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    11. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    12. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    13. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    14. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    15. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    16. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    17. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    18. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    19. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    20. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    21. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    22. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    23. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    24. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    25. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    26. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    27. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    28. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    29. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    30. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    31. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    32. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    33. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    34. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    35. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    36. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    37. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    38. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    39. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    40. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    41. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    42. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    43. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    44. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    45. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    46. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    47. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    48. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    49. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    50. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    51. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    52. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    53. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    54. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    55. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    56. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    57. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    58. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    59. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    60. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    61. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    62. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    63. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    64. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    65. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    66. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    67. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    68. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    69. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    70. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    71. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    72. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    73. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    74. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    75. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    76. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    77. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    78. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    79. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    80. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    81. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    82. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    83. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    84. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    85. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    86. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    87. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    88. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    89. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    90. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    91. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    92. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    93. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    94. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    95. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    96. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    97. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    98. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    99. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    100. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    101. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    102. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    103. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    104. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    105. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    106. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    107. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    108. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    109. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    110. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    111. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    112. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    113. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    114. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    115. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    116. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    117. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    118. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    119. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    120. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    121. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    122. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    123. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    124. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    125. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    126. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    127. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    128. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    129. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    130. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    131. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    132. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    133. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    134. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    135. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    136. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    137. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    138. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    139. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    140. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    141. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    142. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    143. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    144. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    145. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    146. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    147. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    148. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    149. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    150. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    151. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    152. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    153. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    154. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    155. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    156. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    157. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    158. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    159. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    160. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    161. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    162. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    163. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    164. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    165. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    166. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    167. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    168. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    169. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    170. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    171. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    172. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    173. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    174. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    175. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    176. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    177. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    178. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    179. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    180. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    181. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    182. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    183. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    184. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    185. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    186. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    187. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    188. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    189. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    190. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    191. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    192. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    193. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    194. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    195. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    196. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    197. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    198. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    199. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    200. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    201. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    202. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    203. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    204. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    205. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    206. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    207. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    208. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    209. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    210. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    211. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    212. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    213. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    214. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    215. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    216. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    217. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    218. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    219. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    220. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    221. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    222. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    223. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    224. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    225. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    226. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    227. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    228. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    229. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    230. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    231. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    232. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    233. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
    234. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    235. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    236. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    237. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    238. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    239. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    240. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    241. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    242. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    243. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    244. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    245. Sadhak. (1997). Mutual funds in India: Marketing strategies and investment practices. New Delhi: Response book
    246. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    247. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    248. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    249. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    250. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.(2010). Mutual funds Products and Services. New Delhi: Taxmann Publications
    251. Donald. (1974). Objectives and Performance of Mutual Funds. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 311-333
    252. Acharya & Gajendra. (2007). Classifying Mutual Funds in India: Some Results from Clustering. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 06, 71-79,
    253. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    254. Gupta Amitabh. (2000). Investment Performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study. Finance India, 14
    255. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    256. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    257. Singh & Meera. (2001). Mutual funds and Indian capital market: Performance and profitability. New Delhi: Kanishka publishers
    258. Jayadev, M.(1996). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis of Monthly Returns. Finance India, 10, 73–84
    259. Mehru, K.D. (2004). Problems of Mutual Funds in India. Finance India, 18, 220-224
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