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Volume : XIV, Issue : IX, October - 2024


Ms. Jyotsna, -

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The phrase E-HRM is the ellipsis for Electronic Human Resource Management. E-HRM refers to the application of internet and connected technology to complete HR functions.

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Cite This Article :

Ms. Jyotsna, -(2024). E-HRM: A NEW CONCEPT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. XIV, Issue. IX,

References :

  1. • Heikkilä, J. (2010), A Delphi Study on E-HRM: Future Directions, Proceedings of Third European Academic Workshop on electronic Human Resource Management, Bamberg, Germany, May 20-21, 229-249.
  2. • Foster, S. (2009), Making Sense of e-HRM: Technological Frames, Value Creation and Competitive Advantage, Doctor of Business Administration Thesis submitted to University of Hertfordshire.

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