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Volume : XIII, Issue : VII, August - 2023


Dr. Bhaskar Igawe, -

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This study explores the challenges encountered by adult women in contemporary society. Focusing on issues such as gender inequality, mental health, work-life balance, societal pressures, and access to essential services like education and healthcare, the report provides insights into how these problems impact women across diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

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Cite This Article :

Dr. Bhaskar Igawe, -(2023). A STUDY OF PROBLEMS FACED BY ADULT WOMEN. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue. VII,

References :

  1. 1. Bhattacharya, R., & Singh, N. (2019). Gender Inequality in the Workplace: Addressing the Challenges of Women. Journal of Social Issues, 45(3), 234-250.
  2. 2. Davidson, L. (2021). Mental Health Stigma and Access to Care for Women in Rural Areas. Health Policy Review, 58(1), 112-125.

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