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Volume : XIII, Issue : II, March - 2023


Dr. Dinesh Prasad Patel, None

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Bacterial diseases are a major concern in the aquaculture industry, causing significant economic losses worldwide. This review article aims to provide an overview of the most common bacterial diseases affecting fish species and their impact on the aquaculture industry.

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Cite This Article :

Dr. Dinesh Prasad Patel, None(2023). “STUDY OF BACTERIAL DISEASES IN FISHES : A REVIEW” . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. XIII, Issue. II,

References :

  1. Gopalakrishnan V. Controlling pest and diseases of cultured fishes. Indian Livestock 1963; 1 (1):51-54.
  2. Gopalakrishnan V. Observation on a new epidermal eye disease affecting the Indian carps Catla catla (Hamilton Buchanan.) Ind J Fish 1961; 8:222- 232.
  3. Jhingran VG. Fish and Fisheries of India. Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation (INDIA); 1991.

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