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Volume : XI, Issue : IV, May - 2021


Dr. (Mrs.) Jaishree Kinarnkumar Kavathekar, None

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Social accounting is very important tool to measure the performance of any company in view of social responsibility. The concept of social Accounting emerged in the 1960’s when social values and expectations gave rise to a debate about the role of business in society.

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Dr. (Mrs.) Jaishree Kinarnkumar Kavathekar, None(2021). “SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING: MEANING, DEFINITION, NEED, AREAS AND IMPORTANCE”. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. XI, Issue. IV,

References :

  1. Suleiman Abu sabha&YounisShoubaki (2013) - The Importance of Implementing Social Responsibility Accounting (SRA) in Public Shareholding Companies in Jordan and Its Impact on Their Sustainability - International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 04, No. 06.
  2. M.L. Vadera&PragyaPriyadarshini (2018) - Social Accounting: A Technique to Measure CSR Practices - Annals of Management Research, Vol. 8, No. 1.

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