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Volume : IV, Issue : X, November - 2014


Dr. Basawaraj K. Ashtagi , None

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Mass Communication media in India, like every modern and advanced country, comprises of the radio, the film, the television, the press, publications and advertising besides traditional media.

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Dr. Basawaraj K. Ashtagi , None(2014). WOMEN IN FILMS AND TELEVISIONS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. X,

References :

  1. Anjum Zia (2007): Effects of Cable Television on Women in Pakistan: A Comparative Study of Heavy and Light Viewers in Lahore. Ph.D. Thesis. Lahore, Pakistan: Lahore College for Women‘s University, 2007.
  2. Centre for Advocacy and Research (2003): Contemporary Woman in Television Fiction Deconstructing Role of Commerce‘ and Tradition‘. Economic & Political Weekly. April 26, 2003. P. 1684-1690.

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