DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : IV, May - 2015

मानव मन की रागात्मक अनुभूति : बिम्ब

वीरेन्द्र भारद्वाज, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

प्रकृति और जीवन की अनेक छविया हमारे मानस-पटल पर अंकित रहती हैं। इन छवियों में बहुत सारी हमारे अनुभव से गुजरी होती हैं जबकि कई ऐसी भी होती हैं जो हमने जीवन में कभी नहीं देखी होतीं किन्तु उनकी भी छवि मन-मस्तिष्क पर अंकित रहती है जैसे समुद्री यात्रा नहीं की हो तब भी समुद्री यात्रा की छविया किसी के मानस-पटल पर हो सकती हैं। इन छवियो को जब रंगों के माध्यम से उकेरा जाता है तो वह चित्रकला के रूप में प्रतिष्ठीत होती है और जब औचित्यपूर्ण ढंग से शब्दों के माध्यम से अंकित किया जाता है तो बेहतर साहित्य का निर्माण होता है।

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वीरेन्द्र भारद्वाज, None(2015). मानव मन की रागात्मक अनुभूति : बिम्ब. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  2. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  3. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  4. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  5. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  6. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  7. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  8. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  9. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  10. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  11. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  12. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  13. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  14. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  15. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  16. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  17. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  18. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  19. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  20. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  21. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  22. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  23. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  24. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  25. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  26. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  27. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  28. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  29. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  30. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  31. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  32. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  33. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  34. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  35. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  36. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  37. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  38. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  39. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  40. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  41. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  42. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  43. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  44. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  45. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  46. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  47. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  48. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  49. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  50. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  51. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  52. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  53. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  54. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  55. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  56. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  57. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  58. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  59. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  60. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  61. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  62. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  63. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  64. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  65. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  66. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  67. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  68. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  69. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  70. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  71. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  72. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  73. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  74. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  75. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  76. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  77. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  78. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  79. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  80. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  81. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  82. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  83. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  84. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  85. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  86. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  87. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  88. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  89. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  90. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  91. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  92. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  93. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  94. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  95. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  96. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  97. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  98. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  99. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  100. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  101. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  102. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  103. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  104. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  105. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  106. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  107. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  108. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  109. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  110. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  111. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  112. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  113. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  114. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  115. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  116. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  117. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  118. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  119. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  120. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  121. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  122. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  123. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  124. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  125. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  126. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  127. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  128. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  129. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  130. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  131. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  132. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  133. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  134. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  135. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  136. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  137. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  138. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  139. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  140. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  141. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  142. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  143. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  144. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  145. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  146. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  147. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  148. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  149. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  150. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  151. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  152. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  153. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  154. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  155. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  156. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  157. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  158. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  159. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  160. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  161. Imagination is, in itself the very highest and life of poetry Dryden auoted by Levis in Poetic Image page-18.
  162. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  163. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  164. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  165. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  166. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  167. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  168. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  169. Protry is the image of man and nature English critical essay, 19th Century words worth page-14.
  170. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  171. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  172. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  173. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  174. काव्य बिंब- डॉ. नगेद्र पृष्ठ-69.
  175. The supernatural mystry. The divinely provided medium, The evolution of grace, the approptition of divine life in contemplation, all these are bought together in a prosound and co herart synthesis and in this the image a dods chosen means of speaking the man, occupies the central places words and images. E.L. Mascall page-120.
  176. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.
  177. Yet the image is content in all poetry and every poem is itself an image The Poetic image- Levis, page-17.
  178. The Imagination- I.A. Richards.

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