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Volume : III, Issue : VII, August - 2013

Effect Of Chlorine Water On Some Vital Process Of Vigna Unguiculata L. (cowpea)

Sharad Phulari

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Vigna unguiculata seeds treated with 0.01% 0.1% and 0.2 % (v/v) chlorine water during germination upto 10 days. The control is treated with distilled water. The germination percentage is affected by chlorine water treatment. The effect is seviour as concentration of chlorine water goes on increasing. Chlorine water treated seeds shows less number of leaves over control. The length of seedling is affected by chlorine water treatment. More the concentration of chlorine water, less is the length of seedling in vigna unguiculata . The chlorine water has inhibitory effect on root growth ( radical length and number of rootlets) in Vigna unguiculata . The fresh weight and dry weight goes on decreasing in chlorine water treatment of Vigna unuiculata over control. Chlorine is essential micronutrient in plant vital processes. However, higher concentration of chlorine inhibits the plant vital process during seed germination of Vigna uguiculata. The higher concentration of chlorine affects the seed germination percentage, leaves number, seedling growth, radical length with rootlets, fresh weight and dry weight of seedling.

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Sharad Phulari, (2013). Effect Of Chlorine Water On Some Vital Process Of Vigna Unguiculata L. (cowpea). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. III, Issue. VII,

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