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Volume : II, Issue : VII, August - 2012

An Evaluation Of Performance Of Sangli District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Sangli In Respect Of Agricultural Finance

Kadam Nandkumar Laxman

Published By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The present paper focuses on the performance of the Sangli District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Sangli in respect of Agricultural Finance during the financial years 2008-09 to 20010-11. The study is mainly based on secondary data which is collected from Annual Reports of the bank. Primary data regarding problems of the bank have been collected by using discussion and observation method. The analysis of the data revealed that, in general, the bank is trying to provide more finance to agricultural sector for various purposes and activities, particularly, to small farmers. However, the bank is facing some administrative and banking problems. In view of this, the paper comes out with some specific suggestions for improvement in agricultural finance

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Kadam Nandkumar Laxman, (2012). An Evaluation Of Performance Of Sangli District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Sangli In Respect Of Agricultural Finance. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VII,

References :

  1. Ramesh Chander and Jai Kishan Chandel, (2011), 'An Evaluation of Financial Performance and Viability of Cooperative Banks - A Study of Four DCCBs in Haryana (India)' KAIM Journal of Management and Research 3 (2), p1
  2. Dr. (Mrs.) Vidya V. Upadhye and Nandkumar L. Kadam, (2005), 'Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Finance in Sangli District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Sangli', Problems and Prospects of Co-operative Movement, J. F. Patil and V. S. Patil (Editors), Published by Registrar, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 416004, p 41-49
  3. K V Marulkar, (2005), 'Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Finance in Sangli District Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Sangli', Problems and Prospects of Co-operative Movement, J. F. Patil and V. S. Patil (Editors), Published by Registrar, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 416004, p 35
  5. Annual Reports of the Sangli District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. Sangli for the years 2008-09 to 2010-11

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