Volume : II, Issue : VII, August - 2012 Freedom Movement In Madras Presidency With Special Reference To The Role Of Kamaraj (1920-1945) P.VENKATESAN and N.SIVAKUMAR Published By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : This Paper mainly attempts to examine the Part played by Kamaraj in freedom
movement from 1920 to 1945. He played a dominant role in Madras Presidency. He was
much impressed by the Gandhian Ideology and joined the Indian National Congress as
an ordinary worker. Kamaraj Suffered in Jails during the Gandhian Movements and
sacrificed his everything for the cause of our nation. He was awarded Bharat Rathna for
his meritorious services to the nation.
The emergence of Gandhi on the Indian political scene was an event of incalculable
importance.It changed the very course of the Indian struggle for freedom. Kamaraj, the
true follower of Gandhi, entered the freedom struggle as an unknown, ordinary volunteer
of the provincial branch of the Indian national congress. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : P.VENKATESAN and N.SIVAKUMAR, (2012). Freedom Movement In Madras Presidency With Special Reference To The Role Of Kamaraj (1920-1945). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. II, Issue. VII, http://oldisrj.lbp.world/UploadedData/1192.pdf References : - P.M.Balasundaram, Kamaraj and his secrets of success, Poombuhar publications press, Madras,1982, p- 45.
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- Ibid , P-11
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- Ibid
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- V.K.Narasimhan,Op.Cit,P29
- G.Balan, Op.Cit,P443
- P.M.Balasundaram,Op.Cit,P47
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