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Sports Duncan Fletcher, MS Dhoni ought to be sacked for India's embarrassment
published on : 08-18-2014
Category : Other
Insanity is doing the same thing again and again, and expecting different results. But the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) does not seem to get it. Even though it has become evident that the combination of M.S. Dhoni and Duncan Fletcher has been an unmitigated disaster when it comes to away Tests, the stubbornness of the Indian cricket bosses is preventing them from cutting their losses. If anything can help them change their minds, Sunday's humiliation at The Oval should be it. That a Test line-up cannot last 30 overs is an embarrassment to the game. As someone rightly pointed out, the Indian performance gives white flags a bad name. Zimbabwe gave a better account of themselves in their recent Test against the top-ranked South Africans, despite it being their only long-format game in a long time. Enough has been said about the inexperience and lack of exposure to English conditions in the Indian touring party. Technical deficiencies and lack of prowess can be pardonable, not lack of fight. The pitch on which India were bundled for 148 and 94 is the same one on which the hosts scored close to 500 runs. Read more at:
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Duncan Fletcher MS Dhoni India's embarrassment