DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : I, February - 2016

हरदोई जनपद में विपणन केन्द्रों की सम्बद्धता

अमित सचान, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

यह सर्वविदित है कि लोगों और स्थानों के मध्य अंतःक्रिया के लिए पहुँच का होना आवश्यक है और पहुँच तभी सम्भव है जब उनके मध्य सम्बद्धता हो। इस प्रकार किसी विपणन केन्द्र का भूवैन्यासिक संगठन इस शर्त पर आधारित होता है कि वह अन्य चीजों की तुलना में कहाँ स्थानीयकृत है। इस प्रकार प्रस्तुत शोध पत्र में विपणन केन्द्रों की सम्बद्धता की मात्रा मापने एवं विश्लेषित करने का प्रयास किया गया है। यह विश्लेषण उन स्थानों पर प्रकाश डालेगा जिनका कि भविष्य अच्छा है साथ ही उन छोटे स्थानों की ओर भी इंगित करेगा जहाँ यदि थोड़ा सा परिमार्जन किया जाए तो वे क्षेत्र के लिए विशेष लाभकारी सिद्ध होंगें।

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    Cite This Article :

    अमित सचान, None(2016). हरदोई जनपद में विपणन केन्द्रों की सम्बद्धता . Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. I, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Kissling, C. C. 1969:Linkage importance in regional highway network. Canadian Geographers XIII, 2, pp. 113-29.
    2. Marksman Publication 2015: Buddha Plaza, Patna, Bihar Code No.127/15 P.26 &28
    3. Primary Census Abstract 2001: Uttar Pradesh, Series-10, Volume-1
    4. Parihar, Z. 1956: Topological properties of Telecommunication networks. Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineers, 44, pp. 929-33.
    5. Marksman Publication 2015: Buddha Plaza, Patna, Bihar Code No.127/15 P.26 &28
    6. Primary Census Abstract 2001: Uttar Pradesh, Series-10, Volume-1
    7. Hurst, M. E. E.1974:Transporation geography- comments and readings. McGraw Hill, p. 55.
    8. Marksman Publication 2015: Buddha Plaza, Patna, Bihar Code No.127/15 P.26 &28
    9. Primary Census Abstract 2001: Uttar Pradesh, Series-10, Volume-1
    10. Marksman Publication 2015: Buddha Plaza, Patna, Bihar Code No.127/15 P.26 &28
    11. Hurst, M. E. E.1974:Transporation geography- comments and readings. McGraw Hill, p. 55.
    12. Parihar, Z. 1956: Topological properties of Telecommunication networks. Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineers, 44, pp. 929-33.
    13. Primary Census Abstract 2001: Uttar Pradesh, Series-10, Volume-1
    14. Parihar, Z. 1956: Topological properties of Telecommunication networks. Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineers, 44, pp. 929-33.
    15. Parihar, Z. 1956: Topological properties of Telecommunication networks. Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineers, 44, pp. 929-33.
    16. Marksman Publication 2015: Buddha Plaza, Patna, Bihar Code No.127/15 P.26 &28
    17. Primary Census Abstract 2001: Uttar Pradesh, Series-10, Volume-1
    18. Hurst, M. E. E.1974:Transporation geography- comments and readings. McGraw Hill, p. 55.
    19. Hurst, M. E. E.1974:Transporation geography- comments and readings. McGraw Hill, p. 55.
    20. Kissling, C. C. 1969:Linkage importance in regional highway network. Canadian Geographers XIII, 2, pp. 113-29.
    21. Town Directory C. D.2001 : Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh (Data Dissemination Unit), Lekhraj Dollar Building, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
    22. Kissling, C. C. 1969:Linkage importance in regional highway network. Canadian Geographers XIII, 2, pp. 113-29.
    23. Town Directory C. D.2001 : Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh (Data Dissemination Unit), Lekhraj Dollar Building, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
    24. Town Directory C. D.2001 : Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh (Data Dissemination Unit), Lekhraj Dollar Building, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
    25. Kissling, C. C. 1969:Linkage importance in regional highway network. Canadian Geographers XIII, 2, pp. 113-29.
    26. Parihar, Z. 1956: Topological properties of Telecommunication networks. Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineers, 44, pp. 929-33.
    27. Parihar, Z. 1956: Topological properties of Telecommunication networks. Proceedings, Institute of Radio Engineers, 44, pp. 929-33.
    28. Hurst, M. E. E.1974:Transporation geography- comments and readings. McGraw Hill, p. 55.
    29. Hurst, M. E. E.1974:Transporation geography- comments and readings. McGraw Hill, p. 55.
    30. Marksman Publication 2015: Buddha Plaza, Patna, Bihar Code No.127/15 P.26 &28
    31. Primary Census Abstract 2001: Uttar Pradesh, Series-10, Volume-1
    32. Town Directory C. D.2001 : Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh (Data Dissemination Unit), Lekhraj Dollar Building, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
    33. Town Directory C. D.2001 : Uttar Pradesh, Directorate of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh (Data Dissemination Unit), Lekhraj Dollar Building, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
    34. Kissling, C. C. 1969:Linkage importance in regional highway network. Canadian Geographers XIII, 2, pp. 113-29.

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