DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VII, August - 2015


Yogesh S. Nirmal,

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Background: Every training program has its own effects on the physiological functioning; the present study would serve in to know about these effects in depth. Keep in mind researcher investigated the effect of swimming Training on Maximum Breath Holding Time of beginner swimmers. Materials and Methods: For achieving the purpose of this study total 50 male beginner swimmers were selected as subject from H.V.P.Mandal’s Amravati, Maharashtra. Their age was ranging from 12 to 15 years, Maximum Breath Holding Time was measured by using Stop Watch and Nose Clip and the higher of the two breath holding times was recorded in seconds as the score. All the selected subjects were divided in to two groups. Only experimental group underwent swimming Training for 48 weeks. Pre Mid and Post tests were applied for both the groups to find out the significant effect of swimming training on Maximum Breath Holding Time. Result: The data were analyzed through‘t’-test and ANOVA statistical techniques. The statistical findings revealed that experimental group significantly improved Maximum Breath Holding Time through swimming training. Conclusions: The experimental group has shown significant improvement in Maximum Breath Holding Capacity after 24 weeks as well as 48 weeks of swimming training, whereas no significant improvement has been shown in Control group.

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Yogesh S. Nirmal, (2015). EFFECT OF SWIMMING TRAINING ON MAXIMUM BREATH HOLDING TIME OF BEGINNER SWIMMERS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  2. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  3. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  4. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  5. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  6. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  7. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  8. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  9. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  10. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  11. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  12. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  13. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  14. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  15. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  16. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  17. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  18. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  19. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  20. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  21. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  22. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  23. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  24. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  25. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  26. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  27. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  28. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  29. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  30. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  31. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  32. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  33. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  34. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  35. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  36. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  37. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  38. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  39. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  40. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  41. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  42. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  43. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  44. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  45. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  46. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  47. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  48. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  49. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  50. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  51. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  52. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  53. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  54. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  55. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  56. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  57. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  58. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  59. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  60. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  61. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  62. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  63. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  64. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  65. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  66. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  67. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  68. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  69. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  70. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  71. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  72. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  73. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  74. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  75. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  76. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  77. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  78. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  79. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  80. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  81. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  82. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  83. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  84. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  85. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  86. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  87. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  88. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  89. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  90. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  91. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  92. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  93. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  94. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  95. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  96. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  97. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  98. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  99. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  100. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  101. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  102. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  103. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  104. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  105. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  106. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  107. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  108. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  109. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  110. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  111. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  112. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  113. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  114. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  115. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  116. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  117. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  118. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  119. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  120. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  121. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  122. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  123. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  124. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  125. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  126. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  127. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  128. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  129. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  130. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  131. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  132. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  133. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  134. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  135. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  136. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  137. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  138. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  139. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  140. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  141. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  142. Counsilman, James E., The Science of Swimming, (New Delhi : S. Chand & Co. Ltd., 1989).
  143. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  144. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  145. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  146. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  147. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  148. Colwin, Cecil M., “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition, (Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992).
  149. Emmett W. Hines, Fitness Swimming, (Human Kinetics Publication, US, 1999.
  150. Counsilman, James E., Competitive Swimming Manual for Coaches and Swimmers, (London : Pelham Books, 1986).
  151. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  152. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).
  153. Cecil M. Colwin, “Outline of Training Program”, Swimming Into The 21st Century, First Edition,(Illinois: Leisure Press, 1992.
  154. Dick Hannula and Nort Thorton, The Swim Coaching Bible, (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetic Publishers Inc., 2001).

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