DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XI, December - 2014


Sudhakar Ganpatrao Jadhav, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Among the colonized countries and continents, Australia has the rarest geographical situation for being a separate continents not attached to any other continents like North America – South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Australia having an enormous length and breadth cannot be treated as an Island. Australia has her own history of Bushmen culture and Abo ( Aborigine ) the continent had been under the rules of the Arabs, the British snatched its from Arabs, and at present like most of the developing countries. It is under the influence of America one common feature of Australia and India is that both have their own ancient traditions and neither of them have ruled influenced or dominated the other. It is a strange resemblance between India and Australia

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Sudhakar Ganpatrao Jadhav, -(2014). MYTHICAL MODERNISM IN PATRICK WHITE’S ‘THE SOLID MANDALAAND RIDERS IN THE CHARIOT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  2. P.58.
  3. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  4. P.58.
  5. P.58.
  6. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  7. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  8. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  9. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  10. Ibid. P.145.
  11. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  12. Ibid. P.145.
  13. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  14. Ibid. P.145.
  15. P.58.
  16. P.58.
  17. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  18. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  19. Ibid. P.145.
  20. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  21. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  22. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  23. P.58.
  24. Ibid. P.145.
  25. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  26. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  27. Ibid. P.145.
  28. Ibid. P.145.
  29. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  30. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  31. Ibid. P.145.
  32. P.58.
  33. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  34. Ibid. P.145.
  35. P.58.
  36. Ibid. P.145.
  37. Ibid. P.145.
  38. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  39. Ibid. P.145.
  40. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  41. P.58.
  42. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  43. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  44. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  45. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  46. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  47. Ibid. P.145.
  48. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  49. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  50. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  51. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  52. Ibid. P.145.
  53. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  54. P.58.
  55. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  56. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  57. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  58. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  59. Ibid. P.145.
  60. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  61. Ibid. P.145.
  62. Ibid. P.145.
  63. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  64. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  65. Ibid. P.145.
  66. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  67. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  68. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  69. Ibid. P.145.
  70. Ibid. P.145.
  71. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  72. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  73. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  74. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  75. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  76. Ibid. P.145.
  77. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  78. Ibid. P.145.
  79. Ibid. P.145.
  80. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  81. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  82. P.58.
  83. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  84. Ibid. P.145.
  85. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  86. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  87. P.58.
  88. P.58.
  89. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  90. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  91. Ibid. P.145.
  92. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  93. Ibid. P.145.
  94. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  95. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  96. Ibid. P.145.
  97. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  98. Ibid. P.145.
  99. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  100. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  101. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  102. Ibid. P.145.
  103. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  104. Ibid. P.145.
  105. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  106. Ibid. P.145.
  107. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  108. P.58.
  109. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  110. Ibid. P.145.
  111. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  112. Ibid. P.145.
  113. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  114. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  115. Ibid. P.145.
  116. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  117. Ibid. P.145.
  118. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  119. Ibid. P.145.
  120. P.58.
  121. P.58.
  122. P.58.
  123. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  124. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  125. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  126. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  127. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  128. Ibid. P.145.
  129. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  130. Ibid. P.145.
  131. P.58.
  132. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  133. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  134. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  135. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  136. Ibid. P.145.
  137. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  138. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  139. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  140. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  141. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  142. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  143. Ibid. P.145.
  144. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  145. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  146. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  147. Ibid. P.145.
  148. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  149. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  150. P.58.
  151. Ibid. P.145.
  152. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  153. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  154. Ibid. P.145.
  155. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  156. Ibid. P.145.
  157. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  158. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  159. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  160. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  161. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  162. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  163. Ibid. P.145.
  164. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  165. P.58.
  166. Ibid. P.145.
  167. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  168. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  169. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  170. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  171. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  172. Ibid. P.145.
  173. P.58.
  174. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  175. Ibid. P.145.
  176. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  177. Ibid. P.145.
  178. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  179. P.58.
  180. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  181. Ibid. P.145.
  182. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  183. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  184. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  185. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  186. P.58.
  187. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.145.
  188. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  189. Jung C.J., The Integration of Personality ,trans. Stanley M. Dell. Kegan paul , Trench , Trubber London : 1940.
  190. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  191. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  192. Ibid. P.145.
  193. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  194. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117
  195. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  196. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  197. Magill, Frank N. Masterpiece of World Literature (Vol.4), Harper and Row, London: 1960. P.202
  198. P.58.
  199. White, Patrick . Flaws in the Glass :- a self portrait. The Viking press, USA: 1982. P.8.
  200. Ibid. P.145.
  201. P.58.
  202. Samad, Shaikh . Australian Poetry and Fiction . Ed. R.K. Dhawan, Prestige Books.1997.P.117

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