DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XI, December - 2014


A. N. Dede, A. L. Deshmukh

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

During present investigation total 18 Zooplankton species were recorded from Bhima river near Gursale village Taluka Pandharpur, Dist. Solapur (M.S) from Jan. 2014 to Dec.2014. Which consist of 9 Species belong to Rotifera, 5 species belong to Cladocera, 4 species belong to Copepoda, The Rotifera was the most dominant group throughout the Study period. The number of Zooplankton was highest in summer followed by winter and lowest in Monsoon Season. The Zooplankton variation were observed as follows Rotifera > Copepod > Cladocera in Study Period. All Three zooplankton groups were observing in throughout study period.

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A. N. Dede, A. L. Deshmukh(2014). STUDY ON ZOOPLANKTON FAUNA AND SEASONAL VARIATION IN BHIMA RIVER NEAR GURSALE VILLAGE, DIST: SOLAPUR, (MAHARASHTRA).. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  2. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  3. 189.
  4. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  5. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  6. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  7. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  8. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  9. Association, Washington D.C.
  10. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  11. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  12. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  13. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  14. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  15. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  16. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  17. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  18. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  19. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  20. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  21. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  22. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  23. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  24. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  25. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  26. 189.
  27. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  28. Association, Washington D.C.
  29. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  30. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  31. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  32. Association, Washington D.C.
  33. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  34. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  35. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  36. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  37. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  38. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  39. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  40. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  41. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  42. Association, Washington D.C.
  43. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  44. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  45. 189.
  46. 189.
  47. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  48. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  49. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  50. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  51. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  52. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  53. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  54. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  55. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  56. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  57. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  58. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  59. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  60. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  61. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  62. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  63. 189.
  64. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  65. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  66. 189.
  67. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  68. 189.
  69. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  70. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  71. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  72. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  73. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  74. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  75. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  76. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  77. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  78. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  79. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  80. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  81. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  82. 189.
  83. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  84. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  85. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  86. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  87. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  88. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  89. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  90. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  91. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  92. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  93. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  94. 189.
  95. Association, Washington D.C.
  96. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  97. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  98. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  99. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  100. Association, Washington D.C.
  101. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  102. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  103. 189.
  104. Association, Washington D.C.
  105. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  106. 189.
  107. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  108. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  109. Association, Washington D.C.
  110. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  111. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  112. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  113. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  114. 189.
  115. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  116. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  117. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  118. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  119. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  120. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  121. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  122. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  123. 189.
  124. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  125. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  126. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  127. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  128. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  129. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  130. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  131. Association, Washington D.C.
  132. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  133. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  134. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  135. 189.
  136. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  137. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  138. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  139. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  140. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  141. Association, Washington D.C.
  142. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  143. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  144. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  145. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  146. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  147. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  148. 189.
  149. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  150. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  151. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  152. Association, Washington D.C.
  153. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  154. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  155. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  156. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  157. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  158. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  159. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  160. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  161. 189.
  162. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  163. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  164. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  165. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  166. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  167. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  168. Association, Washington D.C.
  169. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  170. 189.
  171. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  172. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  173. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  174. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  175. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  176. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  177. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  178. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  179. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  180. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  181. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  182. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  183. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  184. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  185. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  186. 189.
  187. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  188. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  189. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  190. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  191. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  192. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  193. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  194. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  195. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  196. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  197. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  198. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  199. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  200. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  201. Association, Washington D.C.
  202. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  203. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  204. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  205. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  206. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  207. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  208. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  209. 189.
  210. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  211. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  212. 189.
  213. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  214. Association, Washington D.C.
  215. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  216. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  217. Association, Washington D.C.
  218. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  219. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  220. Association, Washington D.C.
  221. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  222. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  223. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  224. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  225. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  226. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  227. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  228. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  229. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  230. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  231. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  232. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  233. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  234. Association, Washington D.C.
  235. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  236. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  237. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  238. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  239. Association, Washington D.C.
  240. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  241. Association, Washington D.C.
  242. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  243. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  244. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  245. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  246. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  247. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  248. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  249. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  250. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  251. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  252. Association, Washington D.C.
  253. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  254. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  255. 189.
  256. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  257. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  258. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  259. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  260. 189.
  261. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  262. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  263. 189.
  264. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  265. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  266. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  267. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  268. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  269. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  270. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  271. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  272. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  273. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  274. 189.
  275. 189.
  276. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  277. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  278. 189.
  279. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  280. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  281. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  282. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  283. 189.
  284. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  285. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  286. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  287. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  288. 189.
  289. 189.
  290. 189.
  291. Association, Washington D.C.
  292. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  293. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  294. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  295. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  296. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  297. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  298. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  299. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  300. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  301. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  302. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  303. Association, Washington D.C.
  304. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  305. 189.
  306. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  307. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  308. 189.
  309. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  310. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  311. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  312. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  313. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  314. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  315. 189.
  316. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  317. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  318. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  319. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  320. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  321. 189.
  322. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  323. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  324. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  325. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  326. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  327. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  328. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  329. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  330. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  331. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  332. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  333. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  334. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  335. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  336. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  337. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  338. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  339. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  340. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  341. Association, Washington D.C.
  342. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  343. Association, Washington D.C.
  344. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  345. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  346. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  347. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  348. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  349. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  350. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  351. Association, Washington D.C.
  352. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  353. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  354. 189.
  355. 189.
  356. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  357. Association, Washington D.C.
  358. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  359. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  360. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  361. 189.
  362. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  363. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  364. Association, Washington D.C.
  365. Association, Washington D.C.
  366. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  367. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  368. 189.
  369. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  370. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  371. Association, Washington D.C.
  372. 189.
  373. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  374. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  375. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  376. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  377. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  378. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  379. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  380. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  381. 189.
  382. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  383. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  384. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  385. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  386. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  387. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  388. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  389. 189.
  390. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  391. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  392. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  393. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  394. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  395. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  396. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  397. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  398. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  399. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  400. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  401. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  402. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  403. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  404. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  405. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  406. Association, Washington D.C.
  407. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  408. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  409. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  410. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  411. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  412. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  413. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  414. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  415. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  416. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  417. Association, Washington D.C.
  418. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  419. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  420. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  421. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  422. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  423. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  424. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  425. Ezhili N., Manikandan R and Ilangovan .R (2013); Diversity and Seasonal variation of zooplankton in Ukkadam
  426. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  427. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  428. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  429. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  430. 189.
  431. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  432. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  433. Bhouyain, A.M. & Asmat, G.S. (1992). Freshwater zooplankton from Bangladesh Gazi Publishers, Dhaka,
  434. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  435. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  436. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  437. 189.
  438. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  439. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  440. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  441. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  442. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  443. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  444. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  445. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  446. Association, Washington D.C.
  447. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  448. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  449. Hyderabad, Vit, PP.178.
  450. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  451. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  452. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  453. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  454. physicochemical parameter of Jamunabundh Bishnupur, India, International Journal of Scientific and research
  455. publication. vol. 3, Issue 8, PP. 1- 7.
  456. Adoni, A.D. Joshi, G. Gosh, K., Chowasia, S.K, Vaishy, A.K, Yadav. M, and Verma, H.G (1985); Work book or
  457. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  458. Association, Washington D.C.
  459. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  460. 189.
  461. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  462. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  463. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  464. 189.
  465. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  466. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  467. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  468. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  469. 189.
  470. Association, Washington D.C.
  471. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  472. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  473. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  474. 189.
  475. 189.
  476. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  477. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  478. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  479. Association, Washington D.C.
  480. lake, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India , International Journal of current research Vol. 5( 6) PP. 2091- 2094.
  481. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  482. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  483. 189.
  484. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  485. International Journal of applied biology and Pharmaceutical technology Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 576- 583.
  486. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  487. Dutta T. K and Patra. B. C. (2013); Biodiversity and seasonal abundance of Zooplankton and its relation to
  488. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-
  489. 189.
  490. Datta. T ( 2011); Zooplankton diversity and Physico chemical condition of two wetland of Jalpaiguri Dist, India,
  491. limnology, prathibha publishers, sagar, India.
  492. Bangladesh, pp. 32-151
  493. APHA (1998). Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. (20th edition), American public health
  494. Dhanapathi, M.V.S.S.S (2000). Taxonomic notes on the Rotifera, Indian association of aquatic Biologist,
  495. Edmondson,W.T. (1959). Fresh water biology, Edward and hipple, 2 nd Edn. John willy son. Inc; Newyork, PP. 95-

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