DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XI, December - 2014


Bhavana. Desai, J. L. Kalyana

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Thin Layer Chromatography is a very effective tool for examination of ink since beginning. It has proved to be the most convenient methods in separation of inks. Ink is a liquid or a viscous pigmented substance used for writing, printing, and drawing. Ink’s composition and its consistency vary accordingly. It depends on the purpose for which it is used. However every ink is composed of components such as pigment or dye called colorant and vehicle. Some of the common types of inks are writing inks, printing inks, drawing inks, visible inks, and invisible or symphetatic inks. If the ink is exposed to certain liquids such as solvents the colour of the ink dissolves and gets separated. If the solution is allowed to soak on to the chromatogram different colour will separate into different spots on the plate according to their respective Rf values. In the present study THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY (TLC) has been applied to different types of inks to individualize them on the basis of their Retention Factor (Rf) which in turn helps the Forensic Expert to understand about the different inks used on the forged document. Thus by comparing the Rf values of these inks with the Rf values of the Questioned ink samples we can easily get an idea about the inks used in the preparation of a Questioned Document.

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Bhavana. Desai, J. L. Kalyana(2014). THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY OF INKS- A FORENSIC APPROACH. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

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  5. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
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  13. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  14. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
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  34. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
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  45. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
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  48. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  49. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  50. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
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  54. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  55. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  56. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  57. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  58. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  59. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  60. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  61. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  62. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  63. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  64. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  65. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  66. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  67. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  68. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  69. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  70. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  71. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  72. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  73. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  74. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  75. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  76. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  77. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  78. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  79. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  80. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  81. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  82. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
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  84. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  85. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  86. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  87. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  88. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  89. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  90. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  91. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  92. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  93. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  94. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  95. Jersey.
  96. Jersey.
  97. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  98. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  99. Jersey.
  100. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  101. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  102. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  103. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
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  106. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  107. Jersey.
  108. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  109. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  110. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  111. Jersey.
  112. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  113. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  114. Jersey.
  115. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  116. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  117. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  118. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  119. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  120. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  121. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  122. Jersey.
  123. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  124. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  125. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  126. Jersey.
  127. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  128. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  129. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  130. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  131. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  132. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  133. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  134. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  135. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  136. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  137. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  138. Jersey.
  139. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  140. Jersey.
  141. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  142. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  143. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  144. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  145. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  146. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  147. Jersey.
  148. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  149. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  150. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  151. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  152. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  153. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  154. Jersey.
  155. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  156. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  157. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  158. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  159. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  160. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  161. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  162. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  163. Jersey.
  164. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  165. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  166. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  167. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  168. Jersey.
  169. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  170. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  171. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  172. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  173. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  174. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  175. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  176. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  177. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  178. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  179. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  180. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  181. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  182. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  183. Jersey.
  184. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  185. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  186. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  187. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  188. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  189. Jersey.
  190. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  191. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  192. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  193. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  194. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  195. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  196. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  197. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  198. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  199. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  200. Jersey.
  201. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  202. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  203. Jersey.
  204. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  205. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  206. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  207. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  208. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  209. Jersey.
  210. Jersey.
  211. Jersey.
  212. Jersey.
  213. Jersey.
  214. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  215. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  216. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  217. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  218. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  219. Jersey.
  220. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  221. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  222. Jersey.
  223. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  224. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  225. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  226. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  227. Jersey.
  228. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  229. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  230. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  231. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  232. Jersey.
  233. Jersey.
  234. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  235. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  236. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  237. Ewa Fabiañska, Beata M. Trzciñska, “Differentiation Of Ballpoint And Liquid Inks – AComparison Of Methods
  238. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  239. Jersey.
  240. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  241. Jersey.
  242. Jersey.
  243. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  244. Different Inks”, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol 25(1-3), 102-104
  245. Jersey.
  246. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  247. Jersey.
  248. Jersey.
  249. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  250. Jersey.
  251. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  252. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  253. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  254. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  255. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  256. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  257. Jersey.
  258. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  259. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  260. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  261. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  262. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  263. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  264. Jersey.
  265. Jersey.
  266. Jersey.
  267. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  268. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  269. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  270. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  271. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  272. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  273. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  274. Science International, 13: 65-70.
  275. Jersey.
  276. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  277. International Criminal Review” 260, 201 -203.
  278. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  279. Rehana Haydar, Vinod. K. Singh, Sally Lukose and Vimala Veeraraghavan (2004), “A study of Rf Values of
  280. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  281. In Use” Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland.
  282. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  283. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic
  284. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  285. Richard Saferstein ,1998, “Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science,” 6th edition, Prentice- Hall, New
  286. Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, “Who Wrote the Ransom Note?”
  287. Tewari. S. N and Bhatt. N (1972). “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Fountain Pen Inks,”
  288. Verma. R. S, Prasad. K. N (1979), “Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip Pen Inks,” Forensic

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