DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : IX, October - 2014


M. Panneerselvam, R. Murugupandian

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

In today’ s world, almost every organization whether it is public or private sector, requires a performance appraisal system to assess the performance of its employees. Moreover, in work settings performance appraisal system is also utilized for several important administrative and developmental decisions, like, pay , promotion, training, and also documentation for legal purposes. So performance appraisal system is declared as an integral part of organizational human resource management functions

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References :

  1. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  2. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  3. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  4. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  5. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
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  10. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  11. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  12. Publication, New Delhi- India
  13. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  14. Publication, New Delhi- India
  15. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
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  17. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  18. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  19. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
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  21. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
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  25. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  26. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  27. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  28. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  29. Publication, New Delhi- India
  30. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
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  41. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  42. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  43. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  44. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  45. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  46. Publication, New Delhi- India
  47. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  48. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  49. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  50. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  51. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
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  63. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  64. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  65. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  66. Publication, New Delhi- India
  67. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  68. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  69. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  70. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
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  76. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
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  78. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  79. Publication, New Delhi- India
  80. edition.
  81. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  82. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  83. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  84. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  85. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  86. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  87. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  88. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  89. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  90. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  91. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  92. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  93. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  94. edition.
  95. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  96. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  97. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  98. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  99. edition.
  100. Publication, New Delhi- India
  101. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  102. Publication, New Delhi- India
  103. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  104. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  105. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  106. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  107. edition.
  108. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  109. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  110. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  111. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  112. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  113. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  114. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  115. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  116. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  117. edition.
  118. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  119. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  120. edition.
  121. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  122. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  123. Publication, New Delhi- India
  124. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  125. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  126. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
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  129. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  130. edition.
  131. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  132. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  133. Publication, New Delhi- India
  134. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  135. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  136. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  137. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  138. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  139. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  140. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  141. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  142. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  143. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  144. edition.
  145. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  146. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  147. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  148. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  149. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  150. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  151. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  152. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  153. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  154. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  155. edition.
  156. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  157. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  158. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  159. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  160. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  161. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  162. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  163. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  164. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  165. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  166. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  167. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  168. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  169. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  170. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  171. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  172. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  173. edition.
  174. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  175. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  176. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  177. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  178. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  179. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  180. Publication, New Delhi- India
  181. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  182. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  183. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  184. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  185. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  186. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  187. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  188. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  189. Publication, New Delhi- India
  190. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  191. Publication, New Delhi- India
  192. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  193. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  194. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  195. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  196. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  197. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  198. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  199. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  200. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  201. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  202. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  203. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  204. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  205. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  206. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  207. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  208. Publication, New Delhi- India
  209. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  210. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  211. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  212. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  213. Publication, New Delhi- India
  214. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  215. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  216. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  217. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  218. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  219. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  220. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  221. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  222. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  223. edition.
  224. edition.
  225. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  226. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  227. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  228. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  229. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  230. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  231. edition.
  232. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  233. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  234. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  235. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  236. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  237. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  238. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  239. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  240. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  241. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  242. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  243. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  244. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  245. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  246. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  247. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  248. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  249. edition.
  250. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  251. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  252. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  253. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  254. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  255. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  256. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  257. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  258. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  259. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  260. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  261. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  262. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  263. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  264. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  265. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  266. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  267. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  268. Publication, New Delhi- India
  269. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  270. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  271. Publication, New Delhi- India
  272. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  273. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  274. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  275. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  276. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  277. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  278. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  279. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  280. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  281. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  282. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  283. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  284. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  285. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  286. edition.
  287. edition.
  288. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  289. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  290. edition.
  291. Publication, New Delhi- India
  292. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  293. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  294. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  295. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  296. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  297. edition.
  298. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  299. edition.
  300. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  301. Publication, New Delhi- India
  302. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  303. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  304. Publication, New Delhi- India
  305. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  306. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  307. edition.
  308. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  309. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  310. Publication, New Delhi- India
  311. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  312. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  313. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  314. Personnel Review, 39(3), 375-396
  315. Fletcher, C. (2001). Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda.
  316. Publication, New Delhi- India
  317. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  318. edition.
  319. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource
  320. Publication, New Delhi- India
  321. Management, 1st Indian ed, New Delhi: Beacon Books.
  322. edition.
  323. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  324. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  325. Aghazadeh, S. (1999), ‘Human Resource Management: Issues and Challenges in the New
  326. Armstrong, M. (2001). Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers, 8th
  327. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of performance appraisal experience.
  328. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  329. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74, 473-487
  330. Millennium’, Management Research News, V ol. 22, No. 12, pp. 19-32.
  331. Davis, .R. (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa
  332. Ferris, G.R., Rosen, S.D., and Barnum, D.T. (1998), The Manual of Human Resource

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