DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : VII, August - 2014


Ven. Ankuraand, S. Veerrpandain

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Every Kamma actoin has its reaction. Kamma is an impersonal, nature law that operates in accordance with our action. It is a law in itself and does not have any lawgiver. Kamma operates in its own field without the intervention of external, independent and ruling agent. Buddhism names it as an action or kamma. Kamma is wholesome and unwholesome the kamma by means of bodily action, speech or mind. There are our action that we have done in the past as well as in the present. Kamma is the Buddhist conception of action as a force which shapes and transforms human destiny. Often Kamma is misunderstood as an occult power or as an inescapable fate. Kamma is actually doing other than our own will or volition coming to expression in concrete action. The Buddhist doctrine of kamma thus places ultimate responsibility for human destiny in our own hands. It reveals to us how our ethical choices and actions can become either a cause of pain and bondage or a means to spiritual freedom.

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Ven. Ankuraand, S. Veerrpandain(2014). THE CONCEPT OF KAMMAAS EXPOUNDED IN BUDDHISM. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. VII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  151. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
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  154. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
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  156. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
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  158. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
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  160. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
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  162. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
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  166. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  167. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
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  169. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  170. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  171. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  172. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  173. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  174. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  175. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  176. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
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  180. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
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  183. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  184. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  185. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
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  187. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  188. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  189. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
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  201. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  202. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  203. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  204. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  205. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  206. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  207. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  208. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  209. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
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  211. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  212. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
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  215. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  216. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
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  222. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  223. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
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  226. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  227. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  228. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  229. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  230. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
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  232. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
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  237. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  238. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  239. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  240. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  241. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  242. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  243. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  244. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  245. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  246. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  247. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  248. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  249. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  250. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  251. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  252. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  253. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  254. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  255. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  256. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  257. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  258. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  259. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  260. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  261. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  262. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  263. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  264. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  265. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  266. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  267. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  268. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  269. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  270. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  271. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  272. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  273. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  274. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  275. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  276. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  277. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  278. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  279. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
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  282. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
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  293. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  294. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  295. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
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  297. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  298. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  299. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  300. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  301. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  302. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  303. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  304. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  305. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  306. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  307. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  308. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  309. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  310. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  311. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  312. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  313. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  314. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  315. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  316. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  317. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  318. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  319. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  320. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  321. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  322. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  323. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  324. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  325. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  326. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  327. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  328. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  329. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  330. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  331. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  332. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  333. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  334. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  335. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  336. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  337. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  338. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  339. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  340. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  341. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  342. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  343. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  344. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  345. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  346. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  347. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  348. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  349. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  350. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  351. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  352. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  353. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  354. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  355. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  356. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  357. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  358. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  359. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  360. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  361. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  362. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  363. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  364. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  365. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  366. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  367. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  368. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  369. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  370. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  371. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  372. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  373. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  374. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  375. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  376. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  377. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  378. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  379. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  380. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  381. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  382. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  383. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  384. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  385. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  386. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  387. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  388. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  389. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  390. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  391. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  392. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  393. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26
  394. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  395. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  396. mahathera ledi sayadaw. The manuals of Buddhism.p.240
  397. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  398. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  399. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  400. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  401. W.G MALALASEKERA. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, P. VOL, 6. 108
  402. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  403. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  404. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  405. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  406. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  407. R. Morris & E. Hardy; Anguttaranikaya Pali,ed. Vols. 3.p,13. Bhikkhu Bodhi . majjimanikaya. P.70
  408. K.Sri. Dhammananda. What Buddhists believe .p. 92
  409. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories . p.270
  410. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  411. K. Sri Dhammananda. What Buddhists Believe. P. 89
  412. Bhikkhu nyanamoli and Bhikkhu Bhodhi, Majjimanikaya translate. P. 710
  413. Walapola Rahula. What the Buddha taught. P.45
  414. ven, nyanatiloka. Buddhist dictionary manual of Buddhist term and doctrines, p. 145
  415. Daw mya tin, M.A. The Dhammapada verses and stories, P. 136, 137
  416. swe zan aung,(B.A) . Compendium of philosophy, p. 16. 19. 26

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