DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


M. Somathasan, R. Saranya

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Morphology is the study of internal structure of words - Katamba, Francis. (1993). A word is a meaningful linguistic unit which can be simplex or complex. A simplex word consists of only one part such as happy, man, child, etc., which is able to 'stand alone' as a word on its own. Such a part is linguistically called free morpheme. A complex word consists of at least two parts: a base and an additional part. The additional parts such as re- in rewrite, im- in impossible, dis- in disappear, etc. can be added in front of the base, and then called prefixes; or can be added at the end of the base like -ish in boyish, -ness in happiness, -ity in purity, etc. and then called suffixes. Here, the base is the free morpheme; and the prefixes and suffixes are called affixes which are known as bound morphemes because they 'cannot function' as words on their own, and must combine with some other morpheme, constituting part of a complex word. Morphology's chief interest is in complex words which have a very rich articulating structure. It is noted that there are constraints on the way in which the morphemes can be combined to derive the complex words. Thus, undesirable is a complex word with the correct combination of the morphemes un- , desire, and -able; but *desirableun, *abledesireun, *ableundesire, *desireunable, and *unabledesire are not. Therefore, the study of the constraints, i.e. the study of the rules, by which morphemes can combine to form complex words, is called morphotactics. In this paper, we focus our attention to develop a language supporting tool, i.e. Morphotactic Ruler for helping the students of English linguistics while studying Morphology, to come to know the nature of affixes and how they can be combined to form an English complex word

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References :

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  3. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  4. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  5. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  6. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  7. University Press
  8. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  9. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  10. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  11. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
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  13. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  14. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  15. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  16. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  17. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  18. Cambridge University Press
  19. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  20. University Press
  21. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  22. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  23. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  24. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  25. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
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  30. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  31. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  32. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
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  34. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  35. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
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  42. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
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  45. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  46. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
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  48. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  49. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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  51. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
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  54. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  55. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
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  58. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  59. Mouton de Gruyter.
  60. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  61. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  62. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  63. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  64. Cambridge University Press
  65. Mouton de Gruyter.
  66. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  67. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  68. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
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  72. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
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  74. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  75. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
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  77. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
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  79. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  80. Mouton de Gruyter.
  81. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  82. Cambridge University Press
  83. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  84. Mouton de Gruyter.
  85. Cambridge University Press
  86. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  87. Cambridge University Press
  88. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  89. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  90. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  91. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  92. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  93. University Press
  94. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  95. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  96. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  97. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  98. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
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  100. Mouton de Gruyter.
  101. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  102. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  103. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  104. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  105. Cambridge University Press
  106. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  107. University Press
  108. Cambridge University Press
  109. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  110. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  111. University Press
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  115. Cambridge University Press
  116. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  117. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  118. University Press
  119. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  120. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  121. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  122. Cambridge University Press
  123. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  124. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  125. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  126. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  127. Cambridge University Press
  128. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  129. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  130. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  131. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  132. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  133. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  134. University Press
  135. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  136. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  137. University Press
  138. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  139. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  140. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  141. Mouton de Gruyter.
  142. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  143. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  144. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  145. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  146. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  147. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  148. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  149. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  150. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  151. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  152. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  153. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  154. Cambridge University Press
  155. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  156. Mouton de Gruyter.
  157. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  158. Mouton de Gruyter.
  159. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  160. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  161. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  162. University Press
  163. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  164. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  165. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  166. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  167. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  168. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  169. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  170. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  171. Cambridge University Press
  172. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  173. University Press
  174. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  175. University Press
  176. Cambridge University Press
  177. Cambridge University Press
  178. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  179. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  180. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  181. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  182. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  183. University Press
  184. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  185. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  186. University Press
  187. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  188. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  189. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  190. University Press
  191. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  192. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  193. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  194. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  195. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  196. Mouton de Gruyter.
  197. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  198. Cambridge University Press
  199. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  200. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  201. University Press
  202. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  203. University Press
  204. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  205. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  206. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  207. University Press
  208. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  209. University Press
  210. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  211. Mouton de Gruyter.
  212. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  213. University Press
  214. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  215. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  216. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  217. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  218. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  219. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  220. Cambridge University Press
  221. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  222. University Press
  223. Cambridge University Press
  224. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  225. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  226. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  227. University Press
  228. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  229. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  230. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  231. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  232. Mouton de Gruyter.
  233. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  234. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  235. University Press
  236. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  237. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  238. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  239. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  240. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  241. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  242. University Press
  243. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  244. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  245. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  246. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  247. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  248. Bauer, Laurie. 1983. English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  249. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  250. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  251. Pinker, S. 1999. Words and Rules. New York: Basic Books.
  252. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  253. Cambridge University Press
  254. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  255. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  256. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  257. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  258. University Press
  259. Cambridge University Press
  260. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  261. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  262. Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical strata in English: morphological causes, phonological effects. Cambridge: Cambridge
  263. University Press
  264. Mouton de Gruyter.
  265. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  266. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  267. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  268. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  269. Spencer, Andrew. 1991. Morphological Theory: An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Cambridge:
  270. Adams, Valerie. 2001. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman
  271. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  272. Haspelmath, M. 1996. Wordclass-Changing Inflection and Morphological Theory. YoM 1995, 43–66
  273. Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The Syntax of Words. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  274. Plag, Ingo. (1996, 1999). Morphological Productivity: Structural Constraints in English Derivation. Berlin and New York:
  275. Mouton de Gruyter.

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