DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : III, April - 2014


Sunil V erma, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The use of literature on celebrity endorsement is extensive. As an organization chooses to endorse a celebrity and allocates promotional budgets for its brand image building. The impact of such use of celebrity is not limited to company's image building. This study utilizes a factorial design to measure the; interaction of the use of celebrity endorsement, target market reaction, and its internal impact on the company , behavioral and attitudinal variables. The finding shows no significant difference for all variables between those organizations that have a celebrity endorsement and with those organizationsthatdo not have endorsement. The behavioral responses are consistently low with end user, but high attitudinal variable found with internal attitude of a company .

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  1. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  2. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  3. Change the corporate image
  4. Attitude towards advertisement
  5. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  6. Attitude towards advertisement
  7. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  8. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  9. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  10. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  11. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  12. Attitude towards advertisement
  13. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  14. Attitude towards advertisement
  15. Attitude towards advertisement
  16. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  17. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  18. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  19. Change the corporate image
  20. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  21. Attitude towards advertisement
  22. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  23. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  24. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  25. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  26. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  27. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  28. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  29. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  30. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  31. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  32. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  33. Change the corporate image
  34. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  35. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  36. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  37. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  38. Attitude towards advertisement
  39. Attitude towards advertisement
  40. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  41. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  42. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  43. Change the corporate image
  44. Attitude towards advertisement
  45. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  46. Attitude towards advertisement
  47. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  48. Attitude towards advertisement
  49. Attitude towards advertisement
  50. Attitude towards advertisement
  51. Change the corporate image
  52. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  53. Attitude towards advertisement
  54. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  55. Attitude towards advertisement
  56. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  57. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  58. Change the corporate image
  59. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  60. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  61. Change the corporate image
  62. Attitude towards advertisement
  63. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  64. Change the corporate image
  65. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  66. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  67. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  68. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  69. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  70. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  71. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  72. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  73. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  74. Attitude towards advertisement
  75. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  76. Change the corporate image
  77. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  78. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  79. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  80. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  81. Attitude towards advertisement
  82. Attitude towards advertisement
  83. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  84. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  85. Attitude towards advertisement
  86. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  87. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  88. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  89. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  90. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  91. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  92. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  93. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  94. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  95. Attitude towards advertisement
  96. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  97. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  98. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  99. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  100. Attitude towards advertisement
  101. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  102. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  103. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  104. Attitude towards advertisement
  105. Attitude towards advertisement
  106. Attitude towards advertisement
  107. Attitude towards advertisement
  108. Change the corporate image
  109. Change the corporate image
  110. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  111. Attitude towards advertisement
  112. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  113. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  114. Change the corporate image
  115. Change the corporate image
  116. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  117. Attitude towards advertisement
  118. Attitude towards advertisement
  119. Attitude towards advertisement
  120. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  121. Attitude towards advertisement
  122. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  123. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  124. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  125. Attitude towards advertisement
  126. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  127. Attitude towards advertisement
  128. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  129. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  130. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  131. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  132. Attitude towards advertisement
  133. Change the corporate image
  134. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  135. Attitude towards advertisement
  136. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  137. Change the corporate image
  138. Attitude towards advertisement
  139. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  140. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  141. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  142. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  143. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  144. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  145. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  146. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  147. Attitude towards advertisement
  148. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  149. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  150. Attitude towards advertisement
  151. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  152. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  153. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  154. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  155. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  156. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  157. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  158. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  159. Change the corporate image
  160. Attitude towards advertisement
  161. Attitude towards advertisement
  162. Attitude towards advertisement
  163. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  164. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  165. Change the corporate image
  166. Change the corporate image
  167. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  168. Attitude towards advertisement
  169. Attitude towards advertisement
  170. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  171. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  172. Attitude towards advertisement
  173. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  174. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  175. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  176. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  177. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  178. Attitude towards advertisement
  179. Change the corporate image
  180. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  181. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  182. Change the corporate image
  183. Attitude towards advertisement
  184. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  185. Attitude towards advertisement
  186. Attitude towards customers purchase intention changes
  187. Change the corporate image
  188. Attitude towards advertisement
  189. Change the corporate image
  190. Change the corporate image
  191. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  192. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  193. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  194. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  195. Change the corporate image
  196. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  197. Attitude towards advertisement
  198. At overall attitude of the company as organization
  199. Attitude towards advertisement
  200. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  201. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  202. There is shift in attitude due to mouth to mouth propagation
  203. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  204. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes
  205. Attitude towards advertisement
  206. .Message of the advertisement is liked more.
  207. Attitude towards (competition) other brands changes

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