DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : I, February - 2014


Santhosh Kumar. H, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Migration is a universal phenomenon it occurs due to disparities in regional development; it includes many social, economic and cultural dimensions. Rural youths are more vulnerable to rural to urban migration. The present paper attempt to analyze the causes and concerns relating to rural-urban migration among the rural youths, study also highlights the socio-economic determinants of rural-urban migration, this study was undertaken in Chitradurga district of Karnataka state. The study was carried out amongst 120 rural youths. Research study result reveals that the major causes for rural urban migration are employment, better education and business opportunities. Majority respondents opined that migration helps for their livelihood support.

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Santhosh Kumar. H, -(2014). A STUDY ON RURAL-URBAN MIGRATION AMONG YOUTHS: SOCIAL WORK PERSPECTIVE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. I, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  2. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  3. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  4. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  5. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  6. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  7. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  8. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  9. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  10. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  11. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
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  15. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  16. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  17. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  18. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  19. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  20. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  21. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  22. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  23. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  24. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  25. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  26. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
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  32. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  33. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  34. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
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  36. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  37. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  38. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  39. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  40. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  41. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  42. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  43. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  44. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  45. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  46. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  47. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  48. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  49. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  50. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  51. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  52. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
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  54. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
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  60. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  61. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  62. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  63. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  64. pp-3-5
  65. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  66. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  67. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  68. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  69. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  70. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  71. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  72. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  73. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  74. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  75. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  76. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  77. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  78. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  79. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  80. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  81. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  82. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  83. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  84. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  85. pp-3-5
  86. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  87. pp-3-5
  88. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  89. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  90. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  91. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  92. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  93. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  94. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  95. pp-3-5
  96. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  97. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  98. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  99. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  100. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  101. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  102. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  103. pp-3-5
  104. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  105. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  106. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  107. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  108. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  109. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  110. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  111. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  112. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  113. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  114. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  115. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  116. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  117. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  118. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  119. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  120. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  121. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  122. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  123. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  124. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  125. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  126. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  127. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  128. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  129. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  130. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  131. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  132. pp-3-5
  133. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  134. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  135. pp-3-5
  136. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  137. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  138. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  139. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  140. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  141. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  142. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  143. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  144. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  145. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  146. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  147. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  148. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  149. pp-3-5
  150. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  151. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  152. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  153. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  154. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  155. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  156. pp-3-5
  157. pp-3-5
  158. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  159. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  160. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  161. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  162. pp-3-5
  163. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  164. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  165. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  166. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  167. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  168. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  169. pp-3-5
  170. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  171. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  172. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  173. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  174. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  175. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  176. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  177. pp-3-5
  178. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  179. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  180. pp-3-5
  181. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  182. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  183. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  184. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  185. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  186. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  187. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  188. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  189. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  190. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  191. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  192. pp-3-5
  193. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  194. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  195. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  196. pp-3-5
  197. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  198. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  199. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  200. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  201. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  202. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  203. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  204. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  205. pp-3-5
  206. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  207. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  208. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  209. pp-3-5
  210. Census of India (2001) Migration Table, Office of Registrar General of India, GOI, New Delhi
  211. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  212. pp-3-5
  213. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  214. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  215. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  216. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  217. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  218. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  219. pp-3-5
  220. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  221. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  222. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  223. pp-3-5
  224. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  225. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  226. Anupam Hazra(2012): Rural India: Still Floating towards Cities. Kurukshetra, a journal of Rural Development, new Delhi,
  227. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.3(2), pp138-158
  228. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79
  229. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  230. pp-3-5
  231. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  232. pp-3-5
  233. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  234. Gaurav Turkhade(2012): Migration: Impact & relevence of Remittance on Rural Areas. Kurukshetra, Vol.60, pp16-19
  235. Bose. A (1974): Studies in Indias Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata Mac Graw Hill Publications, New Delhi, pp 54-130
  236. pp-3-5
  237. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  238. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  239. Jabir Hassan Khan, Tarique Hassan and Shamshad(2011): Socio- Economic Causes of Rural to Urban Migration in India,
  240. Vishwanath, T. (1991): "Information Flow, Job Search and Migration", Journal of Development Economics
  241. Ramachandran, R. (2007): Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India, Oxford, New Delhi, 17th edition, pp30-79

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